Independence of our Services and your Tailored Solutions

As professional experts, the independence of our services ensures that we are accountable to our clients, their confidentiality and to ourselves exclusively.

GRC Consulting partners with each of its clients’ boards and organisations, so that we create and implement bespoke governance solutions for you.

We work with you, as unique and special, and focus on your individual needs.

Our tailor-made solutions are formed by direct and meaningful consultations with those relevant stakeholders to address critical boardroom, leadership and organisational performance and governance requirements.

Our professionalism and approach ensure discretion, whilst our independence ensures our accountability to our clients exclusively.

Our decades of practical boardroom, first-hand organisational leadership experience and years of professional services to some of the world’s top tier clients, combined with local regional cultural and understanding of the sensitivities, means that we have first hand experience in the complex realities of boardroom dynamics and the performance thresholds that boards and their organisation’s leadership must aspire to and the pressures that they face in these challenges.

On-Page Menu Linking ...

For your convenience, we have structured the Service information on this page into the following major sections.

  1. General  Services Overview …
  2. Specific Services Overview …

The headings are followed by an “On-Page Link” Button which when clicked, will navigate you directly to the selected section.

General Services Overview ...

Independence of our Services and your Tailored Solutions …

Our Expertise and Services …

Our Specific Boardroom Services …

Specific Services Overview ...

A Tabular Overview – GRC Consulting’s e-Assessment and Other Services – For Governing Bodies and Directors …

Governing Body Performance Assessment Services …

Director and Board Corporate Governance Assessment – The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia …

Director and Board Liability Assessment – The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia …

Director and Board Independence Assessment – The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia …

Risk Assessment Services …

Board Delegation of Authority (DOA) …

Remote Electronic Board Meetings and Activities …

GRC Consulting – Provision of Services …

Our Expertise and Services

Our expertise and scope of services brings together the critical components of boardroom leadership and organisational performance and governance requirements.

Our expertise addresses the nine key areas of the  scope of services Governance framework illustrated below and detailed on the opposite slides.

Please click on each of the “Toggle Indicators” or Overview Headings to display or close the relevant Sub-Sections:

We assist Boards and their organisational Leadership develop their Strategic Framework, and within this, their Strategy Development and Approval Processes, leading to execution, monitoring, reporting and ongoing strategy management activities.

We assist the Board in recommending and in implementing best practices  for the Board to adopt in its Strategy Approach and its annual Strategy Agenda, in order to become a high performance Board.

This may involve the following broad strategy phases:

  1.  Defining the overall Strategic Framework and initiating Key Processes
  2. Analysing and Defining the Options.
  3. Approving the Strategy.
  4. Executing the Strategy.
  5. Monitoring, Reporting and Adjusting on Strategy.
We also understand the practical challenges for Boards and their organisations, whom may be at different levels in terms of Strategy Maturity capabilities.
Based on our practical market experience, we define two broad categories of Board’s, their respective organisation, and consequently the approaches that we may adopt, as follows:
  • Traditional Strategy Planning – those that are more suited to formally commencing their strategic journey from the start point of a defined strategic vision.
  • Scenario Based Strategic Planning – those that are able to adopt and manage a scenario development process, to single out and assess the appropriate trends that are most likely to occur, identifying those most important to the success of the organisation, around which they actively plan and manage their course, cognizant of ongoing direction and their ability to adjust into or out of scenarios as they unfold.

Which ever approach, or their combination, makes good business sense for your organisation:

We Challenged the Status Quo and Achieve Simplicity to directly benefit you.

We think differently, to solve your challenges for long term benefit, in beautiful simplicity.

Simple to understand, Simple to implement and Simple to use.

We are Boardroom Leadership Governance, Risk and Compliance Experts.

Want to work with us?

We comment specifically on Governance focused at Board level in our Section below – “Our Specific Boardroom Services” that you may wish to read in conjunction with this section.

Governance broadly, is defined as the Structure and Process used to Direct and Manage the affairs of the organisation with the objective of enhancing stakeholder value. The structure and process define the Division of Power (Authority), Policies and establish the mechanisms for achieving Accountability amoung stakeholders, the governing body and management.

Corporate Governance applies to all forms of organisation that are incorporated to form legal entities separate from their founders, and is defined as the ethical and effective leadership by the governing body towards the achievement of the following governance outcomes:

  • Ethical culture
  • Good performance
  • Effective control, and
  • Legitimacy.

GRC Consulting believes in the achievement of the above four governance outcomes, that are of themselves embodied in sound corporate governance principles, which build on one another, reinforce each other and hold true across organisations, and are achieved through the application of best practices embodying each principle and its aspirations.

We assist Boards and their leadership in developing their:

  • Structures – Both functional and operational, from the Board at holding company level, through subsidiary governance layers to group structures and their component parts and to ensure that these are consistent with the overarching strategy in order to maximise the organisations structural performance in pursuit of its strategic objectives.
  •  Processes – From those within and from the Board, into organisation wide operational processes, addressing their development, structuring, efficiency, effectiveness, improvement and overall management. We understand the critical nature of underlying processes to outcomes based organisations and their role within and in support of governance.
  • Authority – defining authority at and within the Board and of its cascade throughout the organisation to ensure efficiency and effective leadership and decision making, with appropriate checks, balances, feedback and controls, to achieve organisation performance and strategic objectives. 
  • Policies –  over their development, approval, implementation and maintenance, in order to give proper effect to strategy and strategic direction and the related frameworks, standards and plans that establish the scope within which judgement is exercised, decisions are made and actions taken in the ultimate stewardship of the organisation, its resources and direction.
  • Accountability – appropriate structures and answering for the execution of all established material  responsibilities, both at a Board and operational level, ensuring, whilst delegated responsibility is clear, defined, transparent, reportable and supported, that accountability is not delegated. 

Which ever approach, or their combination, makes good business sense for your organisation:

We Challenged the Status Quo and Achieve Simplicity to directly benefit you.

We think differently, to solve your challenges for long term benefit, in beautiful simplicity.

Simple to understand, Simple to implement and Simple to use.

We are Boardroom Leadership Governance, Risk and Compliance Experts.

Want to work with us?

We believe that the organisation should be focused on and managing the business, not managing risks. Organisations do not prosper, add value and achieve their strategic objectives by managing risk. They do so by setting and then executing on strategies and objectives through making and acting on intelligent and properly informed decisions. Risk Management is therefore an integral part of all decision making across all levels of the organisation and consequently a central component of an organisation’s strategic management.

A key value we bring is helping Boards and organisations effectively and efficiently approach and address their risk governance frameworks, risk processes and help identify, evaluate and translate how risk matters may impact and affect the business, how to best manage these, therefore leading to appropriate mitigation controls and solutions, and leveraging opportunity, that ultimately assist in driving improved performance and enhanced achievement of strategic objectives.

The most simple definition of Risk, is “anything uncertain (positive or negative) that impacts on the achievement of objectives”.

Consider Risk Management, as the art of ensuring that you do not slip, by treading onto a “banana skin”! It operates to identify and pull it out of your path. Risk Management enables more informed decision-making, from the setting or modification of strategy to the decisions made constantly across the organisation. This is what executives do each and every day in pursuit of creating sustainable value.

“The effective management of risk enables more informed decision-making, from the setting or modification of the organisation’s strategy to the decisions made every day across the extended enterprise. The processes and related policies, structures and systems for identifying analysing, evaluating and responding to risks are established by management with oversight by the governing body to ensure that the effects of uncertainty (both positive and negative) on the achievement of objectives are understood and managed consistent with the desires of the governing body, for the purposes of achieving objectives, acting with integrity, and delivering optimal value to the organisations stakeholders.”

We help Boards and Leadership correctly approach and address their risk management frameworks and processes, for example:

  • Establishment of the Risk Committee, its terms of reference, selection and training of Directors in their mandate and their terms of reference.
  • Addressing how the Risk Committee establishes and implements its responsibilities for the governance of risk and how it should be approached and addressed in the organisation.
  • Establishing policy that articulates and gives effect to the Boards’ direction on risk.
  • Establishing and defining the Boards risk appetite and the ongoing processes by which it will be maintained and or updated as the organisation operates, including articulating the nature and extent or limit of the risks that the organisation should be willing to take, in pursuit of its strategic objectives.
  • Articulating the definition of the Boards Risk Appetite into a cohesive framework for communication and cascade down through the organisations’ leadership and personnel.
  • Assisting the executive leadership in its implementation of the risk management framework, processes, reporting, monitoring, management, decision making and periodic structuring of Board Information.
  • Assisting on the integration and analysis of risk inputs to the overall organisation strategy and its ongoing direction.
  • Conducting risk management facilitated workshops, together with detailed mitigation, solutions development and planning.

In our decades of undertaking risk management mandates over four continents, we have found that adopting electronic, anonymous, collaborative, real-time, facilitated sessions for our clients, to be the fastest, most efficient approach, that builds the highest team consensus and “on the same page” detailed understanding of cross organisational issues and what solutions are best required to address them.

We are experts at this approach, use of this technology and helping Boards and leadership get to the key aspects of problems and challenges that they may be facing, quickly, efficiently and in the most simple way.

Which ever approach, or their combination, makes good business sense for your organisation:

We Challenged the Status Quo and Achieve Simplicity to directly benefit you.

We think differently, to solve your challenges for long term benefit, in beautiful simplicity.

Simple to understand, Simple to implement and Simple to use.

We are Boardroom Leadership Governance, Risk and Compliance Experts.

Want to work with us?

We believe in and support the view that “compliance is an act of adhering to and the ability to demonstrate adherence to, mandated requirements, defined by laws, regulations, as well as voluntary requirements resulting from contractual obligations and internal policies” – the Open Compliance and Ethics Group (OCEG), and is a critical component of the organisations corporate defense framework, that we would also contend, extends to market conventions, industrial codes and best practices, and internal standards, policies, protocols and procedures.

There is a marked recent increase in the efforts by regulators and lawmakers to enhance and improve sound corporate practices, all of which devolve down to a corresponding marked increase in the threat of sanction to the organisation and prosecution and liability to individuals, particularly Boards and their Directors.

We believe that a proactive approach to compliance management and the development of an appropriate corporate compliance framework can provide and add significant value and strategic advantage. Simply, finding and fixing the problems (compliance) proactively is of greater value and effective use of organisation resources than not having appropriate compliance and its risks.

Given in practice that we see significant differences across jurisdictions and geographies, each organisation should ensure that it has appropriate compliance measures in place, particularly when its interests are geographically dispersed and its required development level positioned as a function of the maturity and complexity of the legal and regulatory frameworks within which it operates.

We help Boards and Leadership, recognising that there is often no unique perfect prescribed way to deliver a Compliance Program, and that its development maybe be suited to what works best for the organisation by ensuring that the fundamentals are properly developed and operating to support the achievement of strategic and operating objectives, such as:

  • Oversight – Ensuring and or developing, that the Board clearly sets the direction for how compliance should be approached and addressed within the organisation and its oversight of the leadership and management and their reporting to the Board. This includes, where appropriate, a Board Committee and terms of reference, identified organisation personnel with clear terms of reference and authority, underpinned by a compliance vision, mission, strategy, plan, program of action and effective and efficient organisation wide compliance processes.
  • Protocols – Ensuring and or developing, that the Board has established and approved appropriate policies and procedures to help ensure that the organisation is able to manage and achieve its compliance mandate and obligations. This should include defined and acceptable norms, including which non-binding rules, codes and standards have been adopted,  and those norms that are equally unacceptable, together with the procedures and consequence for such, appropriately tied into the organisations integrity position, ethics policy, code of conduct and related best practices for daily business conduct.
  • Due Diligence – Ensuring and or developing, from the Board down through management, in support of the governance principle of ethical and effective leadership, that the organisation has appropriate Board and personnel appointment and monitoring processes, controls and reporting.
  • Education – Ensuring and or developing, that the organisation has established and maintains an appropriate education program to cement the desired culture, educate the Board and all personnel, communicating on a continual basis with regard to compliance obligations and their developments.
  • Monitoring – Ensuring and or developing, that the organisation has appropriate and continuous monitoring and flow of compliance information into the correct level of decision making through back up to the Board, covering both the internal and external environment relevant to the organisation.
  • Enforcement – Ensuring and or developing, that the Board and leadership have established appropriate continuous and consistent enforcement mechanisms, both those that work as incentives and those that are disciplinary, including whistleblower and other confidential lines of communication to independent, board and leadership layers.
  • Response – Ensuring and or developing, that the organisation has put in place appropriate systems to respond to and manage compliance matters, including the rectification capability to learn from and adapt to incidents and changing environmental compliance and threat landscapes.

Which ever approach, or their combination, makes good business sense for your organisation:

We Challenged the Status Quo and Achieve Simplicity to directly benefit you.

We think differently, to solve your challenges for long term benefit, in beautiful simplicity.

Simple to understand, Simple to implement and Simple to use.

We are Boardroom Leadership Governance, Risk and Compliance Experts.

Want to work with us?

We believe that Intelligence and its management, in the most simple terms, is the organisational framework and processes, ensuring that it gets the right information to the right person, for the right purpose, in the right format, at the right time and place, in support of informed decision making and decision taking, from the Board right throughout the organisation. Organisational Intelligence is the capability of the organisation to create knowledge and use it strategically, operationally and to adapt in response to changing conditions. This is increasing critical in today’s “knowledge economies” and knowledge strategic competitive business environment.

We also contend, based on our practical board experience and knowledge of diverse industries and clients, that whilst some organisations are attuned to and better placed, much remains to be done for the broad remainder to truly harvest data and generate relevant, timely useful knowledge for strategic benefit, decision making and the creation of sustainable value.

We help Boards and Leadership develop these capabilities, at an appropriate depth and organisational coverage,  to ensure that the organisation improves and enhances its critical decision making areas based on the best available intelligence and embed the necessary framework, policies, processes and procedures tied into the underlying data accessible to the organisation. This may include the develop of:

  • Governance – balancing the current and future maturity needs of the organisation as to the Board and leadership level structures and personnel required to drive such frameworks, their terms of reference, mandates and authority and how they work within and with existing structures, so as to best enhance the organisations knowledge, strategic and decision making capabilities.
  • Business Considerations – Ensuring and or developing, that the organisation appropriately considers, establishes and or leverages:
    • Business Intelligence – How the organisation currently and how it should moving forward, address and best utilise: strategic intelligence; external and market intelligence; competitor intelligence; and operational intelligence.
    • Knowledge Intelligence –  How the organisation currently and how it should moving forward, address and best utilise: data, content, documents, records and their related processes to drive knowledge generation and management.
    • Communication – How the organisation currently and how it should moving forward, address and best utilise: the formats of and needs for intelligence and the various channels of communication available to and best suit for conveying intelligence to the Board, leadership and across the organisation, including other stakeholders.
    • Personnel and Skills – How the organisation currently and how it should moving forward, address and best utilise: its personnel at all levels, new skills and training and related intelligence requirements across the organisation, how these will be established, developed and provided.
  • Data Considerations – Ensuring and or developing, the necessary controls and practices that will address the organisations data to ensure that it is appropriate: Accurate; Reliable; Relevant; Up to date; Objective; and Accessible.
  • Intelligence Program Considerations – Ensuring and or developing, the appropriate environment and culture from the Board throughout the organisation to properly support the Intelligence framework, policies, processes, procedures and ultimately the generation of knowledge for decision support and its integration into the organisation, that is driven by a properly structured and authorised program that addresses: Organisation business requirements; Data; Information; Insight; Organisation actions; Knowledge, its management and uses; Organisational Learning and Strategic action.

Which ever approach, or their combination, makes good business sense for your organisation:

We Challenged the Status Quo and Achieve Simplicity to directly benefit you.

We think differently, to solve your challenges for long term benefit, in beautiful simplicity.

Simple to understand, Simple to implement and Simple to use.

We are Boardroom Leadership Governance, Risk and Compliance Experts.

Want to work with us?

We believe that security and security management, at its core, is simply the capability of the organisation to appropriately protect its critical assets, comprising, its people, information, technology and facilities from threat, thereby positively influencing stakeholder confidence and securing the organisations reputation.

Whilst fundamentally, this necessitates, basic and proper risk management, it also requires appropriate problem identification, management and elimination, in short, a security framework, policies, processes, procedures and reporting, amoungst others. Further, many organisation struggle with a disconnect between their Board and Leadership and Technology and Technology’s Leadership, particularly, understanding and communication of the technology business fundamentals, around which, in today’s increasingly technology centric organisations, technology is so critical and pervasive.

We help Boards and Leadership develop these capabilities, at an appropriate depth and organisational coverage,  but focused at a governance level to the Board and Leadership, to ensure that the organisation develops, implements and embeds the necessary framework, policies, processes and procedures tied into the underlying organisation and its technology, data and systems, in order to adequately protect its critical assets. This may include the development of:

  • Governance – balancing the current and future maturity needs of the organisation as to the Board and leadership level structures and personnel required to drive such frameworks, their terms of reference, mandates and authority and how they work within and with existing structures, so as to best protect the organisations’ critical resources.
  • Security Program Considerations – Ensuring and or developing, that the organisation appropriately considers, establishes and or leverages:
    • Safety – appropriate safeguards that protect the organisations critical resources from threat.
    • Privacy – appropriate safeguards over the privacy of both data and its related parties. Particularly, given GDPR (Global Data Protection Regulations) and similar recent legislations.
    • Confidentiality – appropriate safeguards that ensure access to information operates in accordance with its classification, such as sensitivity, importance and need to utilise.
    • Integrity – appropriate safeguards that ensure that the organisations information can be trusted.
    • Availability – appropriate safeguards that ensure that there is reliable authorised access to information.
  • Business Considerations – Ensuring and or developing, that the organisation appropriately considers, establishes and or leverages:
    • Assets Inventory – to inventory, classify and prioritise the organisations critical assets.
    • Security Domains – to identify and consider the various domains within which the critical assets of the organisation reside with a view to their prioritisation and manner of safeguard.
    • Threat Identification and Analysis – to identify and consider the possible types, sources and range of threat scenario’s, their response and action plans, in accordance with the standing of the various critical assets.
    • Vulnerability – to identify and consider the organisations most possible and or likely aspects of vulnerability and extent, in relation to the threat landscape envisaged.
    • Security Response Measures – to identify and develop, with appropriate classification, the range of related security response measures, their triggers, authorisation and execution processes and plans.

Which ever approach, or their combination, makes good business sense for your organisation:

We Challenged the Status Quo and Achieve Simplicity to directly benefit you.

We think differently, to solve your challenges for long term benefit, in beautiful simplicity.

Simple to understand, Simple to implement and Simple to use.

We are Boardroom Leadership Governance, Risk and Compliance Experts.

Want to work with us?

We believe that Resilience and its management is the capability of the organisation to sustain its business and operations and recover from material change and or disruptions.

We help Boards and Leadership develop these capabilities, at an appropriate depth and organisational coverage,  but focused at a governance level on the Board and Leadership, to ensure that the organisation develops, implements and embeds the necessary framework, policies, processes and procedures, tied into the underlying organisation, to adequately protect its critical assets and sustain its business and operations. This may include the development of:

  • Governance – balancing the current and future maturity needs of the organisation as to the Board and leadership level structures and personnel required to drive such frameworks, their terms of reference, mandates and authority and how they work within and with existing structures, so as to best protect the organisations’ critical resources and sustain its business and operations, particularly the integration and alignment of the necessary elements that give effect to a successful outcome against material change and or disruption.
  • Resilience Program Considerations – Ensuring and or developing, that the organisation appropriately considers, establishes and or leverages:
    • Preparedness – that the organisation is proactively prepared to deal with material change and or disruptions scenarios to its business and operations, with appropriate responses, rehearsals and practiced execution.
    • Agility – that the organisation is proactively positioned to be agile in its approach, consideration and execution for material changes and or disruptions.
    • Robustness – that the organisation is proactively robust through preparedness for material change and or disruptions, so as to effectively mitigate and or reduce the impacts to its business and operations.
    • Redundancy – that the organisation is proactively redundant in critical areas such that it may have alternative options and considerations in the event of material change and or disruptions.
    • Ingenuity – that the organisation is proactively prepared through the empowerment of its people to act with authority and ingenuity where required in order to creatively address possible material change and or disruption impacting the business or its operations.
    • Speed – that the organisation is proactively prepared through the empowerment of its people to act with authority and speed where required in order to quickly address possible material change and or disruption.
    • Adaptive Learning – that the organisation has embedded the necessary mechanisms to record, analyse and inject the learning points from its training and live responses to improve its capability.
  • Business Considerations – Ensuring and or developing, that the organisation appropriately considers, establishes and or leverages:
    • Resilience Engineering Capability – to develop and build the organisations ongoing ability to proactively identify and eliminate organisational points of weakness and building “cradle to grave” resilience in its critical assets.
    • Incident Response – to develop and build the organisations ongoing ability and preparedness to dealing with and managing material change and or disruptions in a timely, effective and efficient manner.
    • Emergency Operations – to develop and build the organisations ongoing ability and preparedness to dealing with and managing material change and or disruptions in an urgent and prioritised manner.
    • Crisis Management – to develop and build the organisations ongoing ability and preparedness to swiftly dealing with and managing the emergence of crisis situations that have the potential to escalate into material adverse events.
    • Continuity Management – to develop and build the organisations ongoing ability and preparedness to focus on and ensuring the organisations ability to sustain business and operations.
    • Contingency Planning – to develop and build the organisations ongoing ability and preparedness to ensure the organisation has contingency options available to it under conditions of material change and or disruption.
    • Disaster Recovery – to develop and build the organisations ongoing ability and preparedness to dealing with and managing the priority of the organisations critical resources and restoring them under conditions of material change and or disruption.

Which ever approach, or their combination, makes good business sense for your organisation:

We Challenged the Status Quo and Achieve Simplicity to directly benefit you.

We think differently, to solve your challenges for long term benefit, in beautiful simplicity.

Simple to understand, Simple to implement and Simple to use.

We are Boardroom Leadership Governance, Risk and Compliance Experts.

Want to work with us?,

We believe in and support the view that, “Internal Control is broadly defined as a process, effected by an organisation’s Board of Directors, management and other personnel, designed to provide reasonable assurance, regarding the achievement of objectives over: the effectiveness and efficiency of operations; reliability of financial reporting; and compliance with applicable laws and regulations – the Treadway Commission – The Committee of Sponsoring Organisations (COSO) – “Internal Control – Integrated Framework”.

We also believe in and support the position that the installation of an integrated framework of internal controls that is effective, is fundamental to safeguarding the organisations business, critical assets, resources and reputation.

We help Boards and Leadership develop these capabilities, at an appropriate depth and organisational coverage,  but focused at a governance level to the Board and Leadership, to ensure that the organisation develops, implements and embeds the necessary framework, policies, processes and procedures, tied into the underlying organisation and its systems, in order to adequately protect its critical assets and reduce its risk exposures. This may include the development of:

  • Governance and Oversight – ensuring and or developing, that the Board clearly sets the direction for how internal control should be approached and addressed within the organisation and its oversight of the leadership and management and their reporting to the Board. This includes, where appropriate, a Board Committee and terms of reference, identified organisation personnel with clear terms of reference and authority, underpinned by an internal control vision, mission, strategy, plan, program of action and effective and efficient organisation wide internal control framework.
  • Internal Control Deliverables and Objectives – ensuring and or developing, an effective internal controls framework that helps the organisation mitigate risk and achieve strategic and related objectives, including:
    • Financial Reporting Objectives – ensuring and or developing, appropriate financial controls that assist in ensuring the integrity, reliability, validity and accuracy of information systems, financial information and the reliability and ultimate presentation of the organisations financial and other reports.
    • Operational Objectives – ensuring and or developing, appropriate operational controls that assist the organisation achieve its strategic and operational objectives, effective and efficient operations with appropriate use of the organisations resources and safeguard of its critical assets.
    • Compliance Objectives – ensuring and or developing, appropriate compliance controls to ensure that the organisation complies with all relevant laws, regulations and internal and external codes, standards and best practices.
  • Business Considerations – ensuring and or developing an appropriate balance within the internal controls framework, such that the internal controls not only address the organisations risk exposure but are cost effective in achieving this. Therefore, consideration of:
    • Control Objectives – ensuring and or developing, appropriate consideration as to the objective of a control and the associated level of comfort that it may provide.
    • Level of Risk – ensuring and or developing, appropriate consideration as to the associated and or anticipated level of risk, both inherent and post effective operation of the internal control and therefore determination / satisfaction of the remaining exposure.
    • Level of Comfort – ensuring and or developing, appropriate consideration as to the establishment of the “reasonable” level of comfort required in various areas of the organisation and its operations.
    • Control Types – ensuring and or developing the most appropriate range and application of preventative / detective vs manual / automated vs primary / secondary compensating controls.
    • Control Locations – ensuring and or developing the most appropriate location for respective internal controls, in order to be effective and efficient.
  • Internal Control Program Considerations – ensuring and or developing, an overall effective internal control framework and program that operates across the entire organisation successfully to provide reasonable assurance.

Which ever approach, or their combination, makes good business sense for your organisation:

We Challenged the Status Quo and Achieve Simplicity to directly benefit you.

We think differently, to solve your challenges for long term benefit, in beautiful simplicity.

Simple to understand, Simple to implement and Simple to use.

We are Boardroom Leadership Governance, Risk and Compliance Experts.

Want to work with us?

We believe in and support the view that assurance and assurance management, comprising both internal assurance and external (independent) assurance, may be defined as the frameworks in place that operate to provide an assessment to stakeholders as to the state of the organisation, its operation, financial reporting and other related matters, subject to understanding the scope of the two respective assurance components. The International Auditing and Assurance Board (IAASB) describes an assurance engagement as “an engagement in which a practitioner expresses a conclusion designed to enhance the degree of confidence of the intended users other than the responsible party.”

In simple terms, this is generally taken, when considering internal and external assurance, to refer to “Internal Audit/ors and “External Audit/ors” but not exclusively.

We help Boards and Leadership develop these capabilities around “Internal Assurance”, at an appropriate depth and organisational coverage,  but focused at a governance level to the Board and Leadership, to ensure that the organisation develops, implements and embeds the necessary framework, policies, processes and procedures, tied into the underlying organisation, its systems and internal controls, in order to adequately protect its critical assets. This may include the development of:

  • Governance and Oversight – ensuring and or developing, that the Board clearly sets the direction for how assurance, both internal and external assurance should be approached and addressed within the organisation and its oversight of the leadership and management and their reporting to the Board. This includes, where appropriate, a Board Committee and terms of reference, identified organisation personnel with clear terms of reference and authority, underpinned by an internal assurance vision, mission, strategy, plan, program of action and effective and efficient organisation wide assurance framework.
  • Internal Assurance Deliverables and Objectives – ensuring and or developing, an effective internal assurance framework that helps the organisation mitigate risk and achieve strategic and related objectives, including:
    • General Assurance – ensuring and or developing, the capability and business environment, such that, generally a range of assurance providers are able to provide adequate assurance that in general, the organisation is being managed and operated in an appropriate manner.
    • Financial Assurance – ensuring and or developing, the capability and business environment that the financial information and reporting can be given adequate assurance as to the operation of financial controls and that the financial reporting is accurate, reliable and free of material misstatement. In practice this may only be possible for internal assurance on a narrower scope, subject to availability, skills and resources. On a broader basis, this is the province of external assurance.
    • Non-financial Assurance – ensuring and or developing, the capability and business environment that the non-financial information, business activities and reporting can be given adequate assurance as to their operation in a satisfactory manner. This type of assurance, often more narrowly focussed, is generally the province of internal assurance.
    • Specific Assurance – ensuring and or developing, the capability and business environment that specific issues are or have been addressed in an appropriate manner. Generally achieved through specifically focussed engagements.
  • Business Considerations – ensuring and or developing, an appropriate framework, such that through a combination of internal and external assurance providers, that the Board is able to satisfy itself, other stakeholders and or the public at large, that its combined and applied assurance model, incorporates and optimises the various assurance services and functions, so that taken as a whole and as an integrated operating assurance framework, these support the objectives established for assurance over the organisation, its operations, critical assets and stakeholder requirements.

Which ever approach, or their combination, makes good business sense for your organisation:

We Challenged the Status Quo and Achieve Simplicity to directly benefit you.

We think differently, to solve your challenges for long term benefit, in beautiful simplicity.

Simple to understand, Simple to implement and Simple to use.

We are Boardroom Leadership Governance, Risk and Compliance Experts.

Want to work with us?

The Open Compliance and Ethics Group (OCEG) define Governance, Risk Management and Compliance (GRC) as:

“GRC is a capability, that enables organisations to reliably achieve objectives, while addressing uncertainty and acting with integrity”

Our Specific Boardroom Services

With our focus on the board and its role, we provide the following illustrative board-specific services that focus on strengthening boardroom leadership, ethical and effective practices, and therefore deliver sustainable value over the long term.

Please click on each of the “Toggle Indicators” or Overview Headings to display or close the relevant Sub-Sections:

Design and implementation of:

  • the organisations’ Corporate Governance Frameworks and associated documentation.
  • subsidiary Corporate Governance Frameworks and associated documentation.

Structuring of:

  • the board, its functional and operational structures and terms of reference.
  • the boards’ committees, their functional and operational structures and terms of reference.
  • the organisation’s functional and operational structures and term of reference.
  • the subsidiary company functional and operational structures and group terms of reference.

Definition of:

  • chairman, director and company secretary roles and responsibilities and contractual terms of reference.

Tailored policies for:

  • the organisations’ Corporate Governance Framework.
  • the subsidiary Corporate Governance Framework.
  • the board, its structures and its operations.
  • the organisation, its structures and its operations.
  • the subsidiary, its structures and its operations.
  • support of the Delegation of Authority and Authority Matrix.
  • Shareholders, Related Parties and other Stakeholders.
  • development, approval and policy maintenance procedures.

Guidance to the board on and overviews covering:

  • Corporate Governance for the board, current trends, changes and best practice.
  • Strategy for the board, its role, responsibilities, strategy practices and working with the executive.
  • Risk Management for the board, its role, responsibilities, framework and best practice.
  • Risk Appetite for the board, its role, responsibilities and how to practically get this implemented.
  • Board dynamics, skill sets assessment and skills rotations management.

We are well used to working with Boards to help them on specific mandates and programs that specially design and tailor presentations, facilitated sessions or fuller Board Programs to assist the Board in addressing its responsibilities and challenges.

We make it simple.

We are comfortable in one to one Director sessions, building consensus and trust around Board requirements, just as we are by introducing simple and easy to use modern facilitated electronic sessions, where your Directors simply have to “talk with their fingers and listen with their eyes“.

We bring all the gear and design your requirements into a well thought out, structured and simple process, to realise your goals.

Which ever approach, or their combination, makes good business sense for your organisation:

We Challenged the Status Quo and Achieve Simplicity to directly benefit you.

We think differently, to solve your challenges for long term benefit, in beautiful simplicity.

Simple to understand, Simple to implement and Simple to use.

We are Boardroom Leadership Governance, Risk and Compliance Experts.

Want to work with us?

  • Governance framework and component audits and reviews.
  • collective board reviews and self-assessment.
  • individual board members review and self-assessment.
  • individual board member peer assessment.
  • individual board member governance liability assessment.
  • board skill sets review.
  • Chairman’s Agenda and Annual Planning review.

Director selection, appointment and rotation processes.

Definition of the requirements for and design of the board’s annual calendar.

Board meeting procedure and process development.

Board committee processes, reporting and information.

Board operational processes, covering aspects such as:

  • Board strategy.
  • Board decision making.
  • Board risk assessment and risk appetite.
  • Reserved and delegated powers.

Board and or shareholder statutory and other stakeholder meetings and related processes.

  • effective and appropriate support to the board and its committees, their meetings and effective functioning.
  • board papers, preparation, management, circulation and record keeping.
  • legal, statutory, company, regulatory and governance compliance and communications.
  • statutory, regulatory and organisational records.
  • board member management, support and facilitation as a central point of contact.
  • governance support, conflict of interest, whistle blower management.
  • shareholder, stakeholder and public management and communications.

We have decades of Boardroom experience and in running electronic, anonymous, collaborative, real-time, facilitated or manual sessions, programs and or specific Board presentations to fit your Board Retreat program.

We are experts at helping Boards get to the key aspects of problems and challenges that they may be facing and wishing to address at these type of events, whether it maybe strategy through to building consensus around key matters.

Which ever approach, or their combination, makes good business sense for your organisation:

We Challenged the Status Quo and Achieve Simplicity to directly benefit you.

We think differently, to solve your challenges for long term benefit, in beautiful simplicity.

Simple to understand, Simple to implement and Simple to use.

We are Boardroom Leadership Governance, Risk and Compliance Experts.

Want to work with us?

A Tabular Overview
GRC Consulting's e-Assessment and Other Services
For Governing Bodies and Directors

Focus Area



Improving Performance ...

Governing Body Performance Assessment Services – International Service for all Governing Bodies and Directors

– is Performance Driven and Oriented and the option for those Boards and Directors aspiring to be the best that they can be and to be assessed accordingly to drive the proper understanding, positional assessment and Performance Improvements.

Please click on the “On Page Link” opposite to read the “Overview” below.

Please click the “Read More” button opposite, to Read the detail on / or Purchase this Service Offering.

Independent Board Performance Reviews ...

Please click the “Read More” button opposite, to Read the Overview on our Independent Board Performance Reviews.

Performance Oriented - Board Performance Reviews ...

Please click the “Read More” button opposite, to Read the Overview on our Performance Oriented – Board Performance Reviews.

Conformance Oriented - Board Performance Reviews ...

Please click the “Read More” button opposite, to Read the Overview on our Conformance Oriented – Board Performance Reviews.

Decision Support - Performance vs Conformance Assessments ...

Please click the “Read More” button opposite, to Read the Overview on our Decision Support – Performance vs Conformance Assessments.

Principles - Independent Board Performance Reviews ...

Please click the “Read More” button opposite, to Read the Overview on our “Principle Framework” under which GRC Consulting operates and provides client “Independent Board Performance Reviews” and related services.

Corporate Governance Compliance ...

Director and Board Corporate Governance Assessment Services – The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia – Service to all SAMA/CMA Regulated Boards in KSA

– is focused solely on ensuring proper Director and collective Board Corporate Governance compliance in line with the respective frameworks of SAMA and CMA and Regulatory Corporate Governance positioning, any consequent Liability exposure and reduction of exposure, with action plans for improvement.

Please click on the “On Page Link” opposite to read the “Overview” below.

Please click the “Read More” button opposite, to Read the detail on / or Purchase this Service Offering.

Reducing Liability ...

Director and Board Liability Assessment – The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia – Service to all SAMA/CMA Regulated Boards in KSA

– is focused solely on ensuring correct assessment of personal Director and collective Board Regulatory Corporate Governance Liability positioning, any consequent Liability exposure and reduction of exposure, with action plans for improvement.

Please click on the “On Page Link” opposite to read the “Overview” below.

Please click the “Read More” button opposite, to Read the detail on / or Purchase this Service Offering.

Ensuring Independence ...

Director and Board Independence Assessment – The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia – Service to all SAMA/CMA Regulated Boards in KSA

– is focused solely on ensuring correct assessment of personal Director and collective Board Independence positioning, any consequent Independence liability exposure and reduction of exposure, with action plans for improvement.

Please click on the “On Page Link” opposite to read the “Overview” below.

Please click the “Read More” button opposite, to Read the detail on / or Purchase this Service Offering.

Risk Assessment ...

Risk Assessment Services – International Service for Boards and Executive Teams

– is focused on utilising smart cutting edge technology to collaboratively engage and assist Boards and Executive Teams in real time on identifying, prioritising and action planning risks and opportunities for the organisation, with appropriate action plans for downstream implementation.

Please click on the “On Page Link” opposite to read the “Overview” below.

Please click the “Read More” button opposite, to Read the Solution Blog – “Risk Management Workshops …” for further detail related to this Service Offering.

Delegation of Authority ...

Board Delegation of Authority (DOA) Services – International Service to all Boards

– is focused on the development, in line with Best International Practices, local Corporate Governance, legal, organisational, structural and other requirements, of an appropriate Board Delegation of Authority (D.O.A.) document for Board approval and Executive operationalisation.

Please click on the “On Page Link” opposite to read the “Overview” below.

eMeetings and Activities ...

Remote Electronic Board Meetings and Activities Services – International Service to all Boards and Executive Teams


Please click on the “On Page Link” opposite to read the “Overview” below.

Please click the “Read More” button opposite, to Read further detail related to our “eMeeting” Service Offering.

Governing Body Performance Assessment Services
International Service for all Governing Bodies and Directors

The following Section covers the GRC Consulting – Governing Body Performance  Assessment Services – International Service for all Governing Bodies and Directors.

Please click on each of the “Toggle Indicators” or Overview Headings to display or close the relevant Sub-Sections:

“3 Triangles Core Competency Framework for Governing Bodies and their Directors”

3 Triangles

Core Competency Framework for

Governing Bodies and their Directors“.

© GRC Consulting 2021. GRC Consulting and its “3 Triangles Core Competency Framework for Governing Bodies and their Directors, words, diagrams and associated logos are Trademarks. All rights are reserved to GRC Consulting. No reproduction, modification, or use in any form may be undertaken without the written permission of GRC Consulting.

Please click the “Read More” button opposite, to Read the detail on / or Purchase this Service Offering.

We have Challenged the Status Quo and Achieved Simplicity to directly benefit you.

We have thought differently, to solve one of the challenges facing Boards and their efficient and effective functioning for long term benefit.

We are providing a Unique Tailor-made Solution that delivers a Board and Directors Competency Assessment Service in beautiful simplicity.

Simple to understand, Simple to implement and Simple to use.

We are Boardroom Leadership Governance, Risk and Compliance Experts.

Want to work with us?

Solving our Client Board’s Problems …

We have a deep understanding of the mechanics and requirements of effective Governing Bodies.

GRC Consulting utilises a web solution to deliver these services electronically over highly secure systems directly to you.

It is an excellent tool to consolidate the Governing Body level competency landscape and assist Governing Bodies and Directors in assessing their positioning relative to their future strategy and requirements, the Governing Body Nomination Committee on Director Selection, Governing Body and Director Skills development and a host of related Governing Body and Director needs.

It clearly sets out the assessment on those key competencies that a Director needs, as a wide range of working behaviours, to be an effective and high performing governing body member and assists Directors and the Governing Body in its leadership, management and maximising performance.

Please click the “Read More” button opposite, to Read the detail on / or Purchase this Service Offering.

Our Competency Assessment Service – Your Benefits …

Key Individual Director benefits:

The assessment enables individual Directors, amongst other matters:

  • to assess their strengths,
  • identify areas for performance improvement, and
  • plan their professional development.

Key Governing Body benefits:

As a Governing Body, in the highly competitive team sport of organisational leadership, the collective framework assessment enables the Governing Body, amongst other matters:

  • to assess their Governing Body team capabilities,
  • align the Governing Body team to its future organisational strategies, and
  • establish acceptable Governing Body Competency Hurdle  Rates to achieve the highest levels of performance, and
  • professionally manage Governing Body development and training and new Director selection.

Please click the “Read More” button opposite, to Read the detail on / or Purchase this Service Offering.

Why Your Interest? – Our Approach …

In our search to help Governing Bodies solve their complex problems, we carefully evaluated every single Governing Body / Board / Director Competency Assessment Framework available publicly Globally.

The reality is there are:

  • Not many available and furthermore,
  • Are not what we consider as “International in Context”, nor,
  • Global Best Practice to address the concerns of working and practising Directors behind the desk.

In addition, we also found that: 

  • They were largely outdated, not kept current, and consequently,
  • Not reflective of current business practices, best practice corporate governance, or current affairs,
  • Narrowly focused, trying to emulate a standard and not the practicalities of sitting directors.

Consequently, with our focus on solving complex problems for Governing Bodies and their Executive Leadership, utilising our creative skills, methodologies and technologies, we believed we could do better for our Governing Bodies, their Directors and Executive Leadership.

Not only have we ensured that our Service is updated with current global affairs and Global Best Practices and that we continually ensure its currency, but also that it is consistent with ISO37000:2021 on Governance and other leading relevant standards.

Simple to understand, Simple to implement and Simple to use.

Want to work with us?

Please click the “Read More” button opposite, to Read the detail on / or Purchase this Service Offering.

Why Your Interest? – The Pressure to Perform …

Practically and simply, Directors and their Governing Bodies are engaged in one of the most highly competitive team sports, with a limited set of players, with high expectations and uncompromising stakes, requiring the highest performance levels, in arguably one of the most challenging periods of business history.

If your Governing Body and its Directors wish to win, they need to understand how to perform at the highest levels and this competitive game’s requirements.

GRC Consulting, through this Governing Body and Director Competency Assessment Service, will help you achieve these goals with this service.

We are experts at this approach and deliver these services electronically over highly secure systems, directly to you. No-fuss, no delays, expert service, quickly, efficiently and in the most simple way.

As Corporate Governance Experts, we provide a directly relevant service offering that delivers a tailor-made, actionable Governing Body and Director Competency Service for your Governing Body and Directors.

Simple to understand, Simple to implement and Simple to use.

Want to work with us?

Please click the “Read More” button opposite, to Read the detail on / or Purchase this Service Offering.

The Detailed Overview – Competency Assessment Service …

To read the Detailed Overview of our Governing Body and Director Competency Assessment Service Offerings, please click the “Read More” button below.

Please click the “Read More” button opposite, to Read the detail on / or Purchase this Service Offering.

Service Brochure …

For your full understanding of our Governing Body and Director Competency Assessment Service Offerings, please access the following Service Brochure download.

Please click the “Service Brochure” button opposite, for the electronic download on this Service Offering.

Board and Director Corporate Governance Assessment
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Service to all SAMA/CMA Regulated Boards in KSA

The following Section covers the GRC Consulting – Board and Director Corporate Governance Assessment Services – the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia – Service to all SAMA/CMA Regulated Boards in KSA.

Please click on each of the “Toggle Indicators” or Overview Headings to display or close the relevant Sub-Sections:

Our Board Corporate Governance Assessment for the SAMA / CMA Regulated Market places …

Solving our Client Board’s Problems …

To date, Boards have found that their valuable time spent on Board Assessments have been problematic:

  • generic and not specific to local regulatory requirements.
  • conducted by external assessors without any direct connection to local regulatory and cultural knowledge.
  • has not generated specific local regulatory actionable items for board prioritised development and processes.
  • failed to deliver Director compliance statements.
  • only real value is utilising onsite assessments, subject to facilitator skills, but is the most expensive option, whilst still not delivering the best value for money.

As Corporate Governance Experts within the region, we know of no other directly relevant service offering that delivers direct, one to one, actionable Corporate Governance intelligence for the board and its compliance with its mandatory KSA SAMA / CMA regulatory requirements.

Simple to understand, Simple to implement and Simple to use.

Want to work with us?

Please click the “Read More” button opposite, to Read the detail on / or Purchase this Service Offering.

We have Challenged the Status Quo and Achieved Simplicity to directly benefit you.

We have thought differently, to solve one of the challenges facing KSA SAMA / CMA regulated Boards for long term benefit.

We are providing a Unique Tailor-made Solution that delivers a Board Corporate Governance Assessment DIRECTLY aligned to SAMA / CMA Regulations in beautiful simplicity.

Key incentives and benefits …

  • directly and specifically tied to the SAMA / CMA Regulatory requirements (mandated compliance).
  • modular program, phased over time, to fit your Boards’ Agenda.
  • generates directly aligned Corporate Governance specific actionable items.
  • provides individual Director regulatory compliance statements for signature / lodgment.
  • generates directly aligned Corporate Governance specific actionable items for the Board’s prioritised development and continual improvement processes.
  • delivers individual director specific regulatory compliance statements for signature / lodgment.
  • provides real value for money and savings, with a multi-tiered service option to meet your Board’s agenda over the year.

As Corporate Governance Experts within the region, we know of no other directly relevant service offering that delivers direct, one to one, actionable Corporate Governance intelligence for the board and its compliance with its mandatory KSA SAMA / CMA regulatory requirements.

Simple to understand, Simple to implement and Simple to use.

Want to work with us?

Please click the “Read More” button opposite, to Read the detail on / or Purchase this Service Offering.

KSA Board Assessment – Levels of Service Offering …

Bronze Service

  1. Online board assessment.
  2. By Category Summary and by Category Graphs.
  3. Report of Top 10 + Bottom 10 assessment items.
  4. SAMA + CMA Governance Framework Assessment Compliance Map.

Silver Service

  1. Bronze Service +
  2. By Category Detailed Summary + Graphs.
  3. Each Sub-category Detailed Summary + Graph.
  4. Each Sub-category Detailed Voting Analysis + Graph.

Gold Service

  1. Silver Service +
  2. Board Narrative Open Questions Summary.
  3. Individual Director Governance Compliance Statements for Director Signature / Records.

Platinum Service

  1. Gold Service +
  2. Onsite visit by Senior Partner level Governance professional
  3. 1 on 1 Director Interviews, detailed discussion and analysis.
  4. Comprehensive Board Corporate Governance Report and Action Plan.
  5. Board Presentation.

Diamond Service

  1. Platinum Service + 
  2. Full Audit / Review of the defined Governance Framework with Reporting, Action Plan and Board Presentation.

Please click the “Read More” button opposite, to Read the detail on / or Purchase this Service Offering.

Detailed Overview – KSA Board Corporate Governance Assessment Service …

To read the Detailed Overview of our KSA Board Corporate Governance Assessment Service Offering, please click the “Read More” button below.

Please click the “Read More” button opposite, to Read the detail on / or Purchase this Service Offering.

Service Brochure …

For your full understanding of our KSA Board Corporate Governance Assessment Service Offerings, please access the following Service Brochure download.

Please click the “Service Brochure” button opposite, for the electronic download on this Service Offering.

Director and Board Liability Assessment
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Service to all SAMA/CMA Regulated Boards in KSA

The following Section covers the GRC Consulting – Board and Director Liability Assessment – The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia – Service to all SAMA/CMA Regulated Boards in KSA.

Please click on each of the “Toggle Indicators” or Overview Headings to display or close the relevant Sub-Sections:

Our Board and Director Liability Assessment for the SAMA / CMA Regulated Market places …

Solving our Client Board’s Problems …

Are you Concerned? Exposed? Do not know where to start to reduce your exposure and liability?


Please don’t wait until it is too late and too expensive.


Act now and click on the link to receive the GRC Consulting

Director Liability Assessment Service

Reduce your Risk and Liability Exposure now.

Sleep more peacefully, and without liability, because you took

the right action at the right time when no one was looking!!!

Click the link and let GRC Consulting help you reduce your exposure and liability.

 Our Director Liability Assessment is designed to highlight the Regulated Corporate Governance Requirements that you, as a Director, under SAMA/CMA, are mandated to comply with.

As Corporate Governance Experts within the region, we know of no other directly relevant service offering that delivers direct, one to one, actionable Corporate Governance intelligence for Directors and your personal compliance with the mandatory KSA SAMA / CMA regulatory requirements.

Simple to understand, Simple to implement and Simple to use.

Want to work with us?

Please click the “Read More” button opposite, to Read the detail on / or Purchase this Service Offering.

We have Challenged the Status Quo and Achieved Simplicity to directly benefit you.

We have thought differently, to solve one of the challenges facing KSA SAMA / CMA regulated Directors for long term benefit.

We are providing a Unique Tailor-made Solution that delivers a Director Liability Assessment DIRECTLY aligned to SAMA / CMA Regulations in beautiful simplicity.

Key Incentives and Benefits …

  • Directly and specifically tied to the SAMA / CMA Regulatory requirements (mandated compliance).
  • Quick digital delivery, saving time, money, effort and reducing your liability with a Plan to Act.
  • Generates directly aligned Corporate Governance specific actionable items to reduce your exposure.
  • Tailored to you as an individual Director, letting you plan, take action and sleep at night.
  • Provides individual Director Corporate Governance regulatory compliance positioning.
  • Provides focused points and a documented guide for your actions.
  • Provides a road map for you to action your Liability Exposure Reduction Plan.
  • Provides real value for money.
  • A Service to Reduce your exposure to meet your Liability Needs.

As Corporate Governance Experts within the region, we know of no other directly relevant service offering that delivers direct, one to one, actionable Corporate Governance intelligence for Directors and your personal compliance with the mandatory KSA SAMA / CMA regulatory requirements.

Simple to understand, Simple to implement and Simple to use.

Want to work with us?

Please click the “Read More” button opposite, to Read the detail on / or Purchase this Service Offering.

The Process – Directors Liability Assessment Service …

Please click the “Read More” button opposite, to Read the detail on / or Purchase this Service Offering.

Detailed Overview – KSA Board/Director Liability Assessment Assessment Service …

To read the Detailed Overview of our KSA Board and Director Liability Assessment Service Offering, please click the “Read More” button below.

Please click the “Read More” button opposite, to Read the detail on / or Purchase this Service Offering.

Service Brochure …

For your full understanding of our KSA Board and Director Liability Assessment Service Offerings, please access the following Service Brochure download.

Please click the “Service Brochure” button opposite, for the electronic download on this Service Offering.

Director and Board Independence Assessment
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Service to all SAMA/CMA Regulated Boards in KSA

The following Section covers the GRC Consulting – Board and Director Independence Assessment – The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia – Service to all SAMA/CMA Regulated Boards in KSA.

Please click on each of the “Toggle Indicators” or Overview Headings to display or close the relevant Sub-Sections:

Our Board and Director Independence Assessment for the SAMA / CMA Regulated Market places …

Solving our Client Board’s Problems …

Are you Concerned? Exposed? Do not know where to start to address your Independence position?


Please don’t wait until it is too late and too expensive.


Act now and click on the link to receive the GRC Consulting

Director Independence Assessment Service

Reduce your Independence Risk and Liability Exposure now.

Sleep more peacefully, and without liability, because you took

the right action at the right time when no one was looking!!!

Click the link and let GRC Consulting help you reduce your exposure and liability.

 Our Director Independence Assessment is designed to highlight the Regulated Corporate Governance Requirements that you, as a Director, under SAMA/CMA, are mandated to comply with.

As Corporate Governance Experts within the region, we know of no other directly relevant service offering that delivers direct, one to one, actionable Corporate Governance intelligence for Directors and your personal compliance with the mandatory KSA SAMA / CMA regulatory requirements.

Simple to understand, Simple to implement and Simple to use.

Want to work with us?

Please click the “Read More” button opposite, to Read the detail on / or Purchase this Service Offering.

We have Challenged the Status Quo and Achieved Simplicity to directly benefit you.

We have thought differently, to solve one of the challenges facing KSA SAMA / CMA regulated Directors for long term benefit.

We are providing a Unique Tailor-made Solution that delivers a Director Independence Assessment DIRECTLY aligned to SAMA / CMA Regulations in beautiful simplicity.

Key Incentives and Benefits …

  • Directly and specifically tied to the SAMA / CMA Regulatory requirements (mandated compliance).
  • Quick digital delivery saves time, money, effort and reduces your liability with a Plan to Act.
  • Generates directly aligned Corporate Governance specific actionable items to reduce your exposure.
  • Tailored to you as an individual Director, letting you plan, take action and sleep at night.
  • Provides individual Director Corporate Governance regulatory compliance positioning.
  • Provides focused points and a documented guide for your actions.
  • Provides a road map for you to action your Independence Exposure Reduction Plan.
  • Provides real value for money.
  • A Service to Reduce your exposure to meet your Independence Compliance Needs.

As Corporate Governance Experts within the region, we know of no other directly relevant service offering that delivers direct, one to one, actionable Corporate Governance intelligence for Directors and your personal compliance with the mandatory KSA SAMA / CMA regulatory requirements.

Simple to understand, Simple to implement and Simple to use.

Want to work with us?

Please click the “Read More” button opposite, to Read the detail on / or Purchase this Service Offering.

The Process – Director Independence Assessment Service …

Please click the “Read More” button opposite, to Read the detail on / or Purchase this Service Offering.

Detailed Overview – KSA Board/Director Independence Assessment Service …

To read the Detailed Overview of our KSA Board and Director Independence Assessment Service Offering, please click the “Read More” button below.

Please click the “Read More” button opposite, to Read the detail on / or Purchase this Service Offering.

Service Brochure …

For your full understanding of our KSA Director and Board Independence Assessment Service Offerings, please access the following Service Brochure download.

Please click the “Service Brochure” button opposite, for the electronic download on this Service Offering.

Risk Assessment Services
International Service for Boards and Executive Teams

The following Section covers the GRC Consulting – Risk Assessment Services – International Service for Boards and Executive Teams.

Please click on each of the “Toggle Indicators” or Overview Headings to display or close the relevant Sub-Sections:

We have Challenged the Status Quo and Achieved Simplicity to directly benefit you.

We have thought differently, to solve one of the challenges facing Boards and their efficient and effective functioning for long term benefit.

We are providing a Unique Tailor-made Solution that delivers a Risk Assessment Service in beautiful simplicity.

Simple to understand, Simple to implement and Simple to use.

We are Boardroom Leadership Governance, Risk and Compliance Experts.

Want to work with us?

Solving our Client Board’s Problems …

GRC Consulting is an expert at assisting organisations in getting to the heart of defining the critical risks to an organisation’s strategy. Quickly and effectively, to what matters most!

Our Risk Explorer methodology has successfully delivered results to our clients, with over 50 years of combined experience between our senior expert partners.

We help your organisation take the right risks at the appropriate risk levels that balance maximising the opportunities on the upside and minimising the potential for harm on the downside.

We help organisations become better at “risk management” to become more comfortable taking greater levels of Risk more confidently in their daily operating management and decision making to improve their performance and results.

Our Risk Assessment and Mitigation Planning Credentials – Your Comfort …

We have delivered risk services to:

  • 7 financial regulators.
  • 36 financial institutions (both traditional banking and Islamic).
  • Over 100 successful other assignments.
  • Across 3 continents.

Will you be another successful client?

Talk to us soon.

Our Clients to date include:

  • Family business/conglomerates.
  • Financial institutions and regional regulators.
  • Insurance and assurance.
  • Specialised investment.
  • Aluminium and steel.
  • Leisure and hospitality.
  • Paper and tissue.
  • Petroleum.
  • State-owned enterprises.
  • Government.
  • Large scale commercial holdings.

Your Key Short-term and Longer-term Benefits …

Key Shorter-term Benefits:

  • Single Page with the Top 20 prioritised Risks for your Board and C-Suite.
  • Detailed narrative and graphical reports of all risks across all risk categories.
  • Support and buy-in from your Board and C-Suite.
  • Transparency on the real Risks facing your organisation.
  • Consensus on the Risks and their Priorities.
  • Mitigation Plans, actions, timelines, accountabilities and estimated costs.

Key Longer-term Benefits:

  • Accelerate your Team’s Risk Knowledge in a very practical and visual way.
  • Establish a common Risk language/understanding of practical Risk Management.
  • Easy to follow Risk processes taught and experienced to use later in daily work.
  • Agreement on the Risk Management Principles.
  • Development of future Risk Management Champions.
  • Development of in-house Risk Management Knowledge and Expertise.

Risk Assessment and Mitigation – Process …

Our Methodology Step by Step process is depicted in the summarised overview below.

Risk Assessment and Mitigation – Reporting …

Our Methodology sample illustrated Key deliverables are depicted in the summarised overview below.

The Risk Assessment process generates the following sample illustrated Board Level Summarised Risk Reporting together with the Detailed Risk Inventory and associated Risk Category or “Risk Bucket” Reporting, related Impact / Probability Graphic, together with detailed Analysis Reporting for each Risk, that is illustrated below:

Board Reporting: Top 20 Risks with Graphical Analysis and related Key Risk Mitigation Plans.

Executive Reporting: Complete Detailed Risk Inventory Reporting and Risk Mitigation Plans.

Executive Reporting: Detailed by Risk Category / “Risk Bucket” reporting, together with its related Graphical Reporting.

Executive Reporting: Detailed Risk Analysis Reporting, Scoring Distribution, Standard Deviation Consensus and individual Risk Graphics.

Solution Blog – Creative Ways we have Configured to meet Specific Client Needs …

Please refer to our Solution-Blog page and the specific Links below that illustrate recent live examples of services provided to our client Boards with these technologies and tools, where we have creatively configured our Services and Solutions to these Clients Specific needs to successfully deliver on these engagements.

Please click the “Read More” buttons below, to Read the various Solution Blogs for further detail related to this Service Offering.

Please click the “Read More” button opposite, to Read the Solution Blog – “Risk Management Workshops” for further detail related to this Service Offering.

Please click the “Read More” button opposite, to Read the Solution Blog – “Facilitated Electronic Meetings” for further detail related to this Service Offering.

Please click the “Read More” button opposite, to Read all of the articles on the  Solution Blog page which illustrate a wide range of capabilities and specific configurations to meet various client needs.

As Corporate Governance Experts, we provide a directly relevant service offering that delivers a tailor-made, actionable Risk Assessment Service and Mitigation Planning for your Board and Executive Team.

Simple to understand, Simple to implement and Simple to use.

Want to work with us?

Providing Services – Our Risk Assessment Service …

As Corporate Governance Experts, we provide a directly relevant service offering that delivers a tailor-made, actionable Risk Assessment Service for your Board and or your Executive Team.

Simple to understand, Simple to implement and Simple to use.

Want to work with us?

For enquiries on this Service, as it is bespoke and tailored for each and every client given its nature, please contact us directly through the form provided on our “Contact” page.

Please click the “Contact Page” button opposite, for enquiries on this Service Offering.

Board Delegation of Authority (DOA)
International Service to all Boards

The following Section covers the GRC Consulting – Board Delegation of Authority (DOA) Services – International Service to all Boards.

Please click on each of the “Toggle Indicators” or Overview Headings to display or close the relevant Sub-Sections:

We have Challenged the Status Quo and Achieved Simplicity to directly benefit you.

We have thought differently, to solve one of the challenges facing Boards and their efficient and effective functioning for long term benefit.

We are providing a Unique Tailor-made Solution that delivers a Board Delegation of Authority (DOA) in beautiful simplicity.

Simple to understand, Simple to implement and Simple to use.

We are Boardroom Leadership Governance, Risk and Compliance Experts.

Want to work with us?

Solving our Client Board’s Problems …

We have a deep understanding of the mechanics and requirements of effective Boards.

We understand and are experienced in structuring a Board’s Delegation of Authority (DOA).

We appreciate the often delicate but practical balance that a DOA must strike. 

A properly structured DOA can be a crucial efficiency and competitive advantage. 

We are uniquely positioned to assist Boards in effectively structuring their governance.

We help Boards structure their Authority, Responsibility, and as appropriate, its delegation through the Board’s Committee structures and the organisation’s executive. 

Structured to be effective, efficient, as a long-term living document, defensible and concise.

Board Delegation of Authority (DOA) Context Diagram …

The Key Incentives and Benefits …

  • Provides transparency and clarity from the Board to flow throughout the organisation.
  • Clearly defines what authority and limits are being delegated.
  • Clearly creates accountabilities and responsibilities.
  • Promotes the Board’s efficient and effective functioning, its executive, and, therefore, positively impacting the organisation.
  • Properly structured can enhance and act as a competitive advantage.
  • A component at the heart of good Boards and exceptional performance.

The Importance of Structuring a Board DOA and Our Approach …

The structuring of a Board DOA requires senior-level skills, and we only provide experienced Partner level resources to work directly with you.

A Board DOA requires acknowledgement of the driving forces at play on the Board:

  • Company Law / Legal Frameworks applicable.
  • Regulatory Authority Regulations, where appropriate.
  • The organisation’s founding documents, such as Memorandum / Articles of Incorporation.
  • The organisations existing/required governance framework.

However, the Board DOA is most often more than this. It may also require a discrete and sensitive approach to understanding the power plays and sensitivities, leadership and the key individuals, and achieving an appropriate balance while appreciating that this has to be practical, tethered to the organisation activities, processes and metrics.

This requirement results in and best suited by the provision of a unique tailor-made service. Hence, we only provide appropriate experienced Partner level resources to tailor and configure a Board DOA to your specific circumstances and context. This result supports the Board’s business being conducted more effectively and efficiently, and through this, enhanced organisational performance.

Providing Services – Our Board Delegation of Authority Service …

As Corporate Governance Experts, we provide a directly relevant service offering that delivers a tailor-made, actionable Corporate Governance DOA for your Board.

Simple to understand, Simple to implement and Simple to use.

Want to work with us?

For enquiries on this Service, as it is bespoke and tailored for each and every client given its nature, please contact us directly through the form provided on our “Contact” page.

Please click the “Contact Page” button opposite, for enquiries on this Service Offering.

Remote Electronic Board Meetings and Activities
International Service to all Boards and Executive Teams

The following Section covers the GRC Consulting – Remote Electronic Board Meetings and Activities Services – International Service to all Boards and Executive Teams.

Please click on each of the “Toggle Indicators” or Overview Headings to display or close the relevant Sub-Sections:

We have Challenged the Status Quo and Achieved Simplicity to directly benefit you.

We have thought differently, to solve one of the challenges facing Boards online for long term benefit.

We are providing a Unique Tailor-made Solution that delivers Remote Electronic Board Meetings Support and Activities in beautiful simplicity.

Simple to understand, Simple to implement and Simple to use.

We are Boardroom Leadership Governance, Risk and Compliance Experts.

Want to work with us?

Solving our Client Board’s Problems …

We are constantly hearing from our client Boards that:

our Board no longer has “face to face” Board meetings, and we are now meeting remotely online.

This trend is likely to continue for the foreseeable future.

  • The issue is not about Boards having appropriate web conference software. They mostly do.
  • This is about Boards being unable to engage their Directors online with technology, in the way that Boards require, to complete their work effectively and efficiently.
  • This is about Boards not having appropriate online meeting technologies to facilitate the Board’s and its Directors business that are practical, effective, efficient, structured, and goal-oriented.
  • This is about Boards when looking for the positives, adopting and harnessing specific technologies and new services, to not only facilitate their usual business but to leverage their collective and collaborative potential in new ways to increase their productivity and performance.

Strategic Advantage – Properly Structured eMeetings and Board Processes …

GRC Consulting understands that constructive Board dialogue and sound solutions are at the heart of good Boards and exceptional performance.

GRC Consulting also understands that those Boards that proactively engage and leverage technology into their Board processes and activities will develop a clear strategic advantage over those that do not.

These Boards will have better structured, simple and effective Board processes that result in shorter time frames, are more cost-effective and efficient, and engage the Board and its Directors in structured decision making. Decision making that is enhanced, defensibly sound, robust, and delivers on the Board’s objectives. Clear winners.

Overview – The Board’s Electronic Meeting Toolkit …

GRC Consulting are Board Room Experts, and we have been leading Electronic Facilitation and Electronic Meetings for Boards for over 20 years. We understand how to leverage these technologies and supply them as a professional governance service to Boards to conduct the usual business of the Board more effectively and efficiently. GRC Consulting provides a Board Service that is a customisable suite of options that we tailor and configure according to the Boards specific needs. GRC Consulting provides the Board with access to its own “Electronic Meeting House” through highly secure, encrypted online access. Each Meeting House can be optionally structured with a variety of “Meeting Rooms”.

Within each Meeting Room, GRC Consulting structures and customises our Meeting Tools so that they are combined and directly tailored to meet each Board’s specific and unique requirements for their long-term success, as follows:

GRC Consulting provides the Board with an Electronic Meeting Toolkit, comprising the following modules, that may be structured and combined in a variety of ways and are capable of flexible configuration to meet the Boards’ specific task and end objective requirements:

Solution Blog – Creative Ways we have Configured to meet Specific Client Needs …

Please refer to our Solution-Blog page and the specific Links below that illustrate recent live examples of services provided to our client Boards with these technologies and tools, where we have creatively configured our Services and Solutions to these Clients Specific needs to successfully deliver on these engagements.

Please click the “Read More” buttons below, to Read the various Solution Blogs for further detail related to this Service Offering.

Please click the “Read More” button opposite, to Read all of the articles on the  Solution Blog page which illustrate a wide range of capabilities and specific configurations to meet various client needs.

Our Experience and Long Track Record of Successful Board Delivery …

GRC Consulting are Board Room Experts, and we have been leading Electronic Facilitation and Electronic Meetings for Boards for over 20 years.

We have a unique market leadership position to assist, and we are successfully assisting our client Boards in a variety of new and positive ways to engage their Directors online with this technology in a way that Boards can place trust and ensure that their Directors effectively and efficiently complete their work and business of the Board.

We leverage these technologies to improve the Board’s performance and, by thinking differently and working with our Boards in Partnership, we help them to solve their greatest challenges for long-term benefit around the concern that “our Board no longer has “face to face” Board meetings, and we are now meeting remotely online”.

We will work with your Board to structure and customise the provision of our Services and these Tools, as illustrated above, so that they are combined and directly tailored in an “Electronic Meeting House”, with highly secure, encrypted online access, containing a variety of “Meeting Rooms” to meet your Board’s specific and unique requirements for your long-term success.

As Corporate Governance Experts with over 20 years of track record in Electronic Facilitation Services to Boards, we are well placed to provide services to your Board and improve their performance, effectiveness and efficiency, reduce costs and save time, with tailor-made solutions delivered to you in beautiful simplicity.

Simple to understand, Simple to implement and Simple to use.

Want to work with us?

The Detailed Overview – eMeeting Service Offering …

To read the Detailed Overview of our eMeeting Service Offering, please click the “Read More” button below.

Please click the “Read More” button opposite, to Read further detail related to our eMeeting Service Offering.

Providing Services – eMeeting Service …

As Corporate Governance Experts, we provide a directly relevant service offering that delivers a tailor-made, actionable eMeeting Service for your Board, Executive Team, within the company to personnel or to facilitate engagement with external stakeholders.

Simple to understand, Simple to implement and Simple to use.

Want to work with us?Meeting

For enquiries on this Service, as it is bespoke and tailored for each and every client given its nature, please contact us directly through the form provided on our “Contact” page.

Please click the “Contact Page” button opposite, for enquiries on this Service Offering.

GRC Consulting - Provision of Services

Terms of Business, Service Privacy and User Security ...

For your comfort and full understanding, we provide our Terms of Business, Service Privacy, User Security Notices, and the Principles upon which we contract Independent Board Performance Reviews, which, should you require this information, then please access the following downloads.

GRC Consulting - Terms of Business Notice

GRC Consulting - Service Privacy Notice

GRC Consulting - Webhosted Survey Tools - User Security Notice and Terms of Service

GRC Consulting - Webhosted Collaborative Meeting Tools - User Security Notice

GRC Consulting - Principles - Independent Board Performance Reviews

On-Page Menu Linking ...

For your convenience, we have structured the Service information on this page into the following major sections.

  1. General  Services Overview …
  2. Specific Services Overview …

The headings are followed by an “On-Page Link” Button which when clicked, will navigate you directly to the selected section.

General Services Overview ...

Independence of our Services and your Tailored Solutions …

Our Expertise and Services …

Our Specific Boardroom Services …

Specific Services Overview ...

A Tabular Overview – GRC Consulting’s e-Assessment and Other Services – For Governing Bodies and Directors …

Governing Body and Director Competency Assessment Services …

Board and Director Independence Assessment – The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia …

Board and Director Liability Assessment – The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia …

Board and Director Corporate Governance Assessment – The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia …

Risk Assessment Services …

Board Delegation of Authority (DOA) …

Remote Electronic Board Meetings and Activities …

GRC Consulting – Provision of Services …

Main Menu Navigation ...

For your convenience, we have structured a replica of the main “Top of Page Menu” for ease of navigation, excluding a link to the Main GRC Consulting page.

Please click on any of the Menu items below, or alternatively, use the “grey box” bottom righthand corner of your screen, with the double “^” up arrows to navigate directly to the Top of the Page.