Governing Body Performance Assessment - International

Why Your Interest? - As a Director or Governing Body ...

Are you serving on a Governing Body, Board, a Director, a Member of the Board’s Nomination Committee, the Company Secretary or the Chief Executive Officer or equivalent of your organisation? Perhaps an aspiring “new Director” seeking a Governing Body seat?

Then this GRC Consulting Service is of interest to you personally and will benefit your Governing Body.

We assist you directly with this Service in assessing:

  • Individual Directors – your competencies,
  • The Governing Body – those of your fellow directors, as a team,

thereby enabling, for the Governing Body, the establishment of:

  1. collective current competencies position,
  2. their priority to your future strategy,
  3. establishing hurdle benchmarks, and in so doing,
  4. establishing priority areas of strategic importance to the Governing Body that require attention,
  5. and an Action Plan to address shortfalls/make material improvements,
  6. with the outcome of improving the Governing Body’s capabilities and performance.

All founded on the very best of Global Best Practices for Directors and Governing Bodies from GRC Consulting.

Simple to understand, Simple to implement and Simple to use.

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On-Page Menu Linking ...

For your convenience, we have structured the Governing Body Performance Assessment Service information on this page into the following major sections.

The headings are followed by an “On-Page Link” Button which when clicked, will navigate you directly to the selected section.

Why Your Interest? – As a Director or Governing Body …

Why Your Interest? – Our Approach …

Why Your Interest? – Performance is Paramount …

Why Your Interest? – Service Provider Checklist …

Why Your Interest – Why GRC Consulting’s Service? …

Competence – What are we talking about here? …

Competence – Further than talking – All Performance …

Introduction – GRC Consulting Competency Framework …

GRC Consulting Competency Framework – Overview …

GRC Consulting Competency Framework – Section Detail …

GRC Consulting – Competency Assessment Service …

Competency Service – Director Level Reporting …

Competency Service – Governing Body Level Reporting …

GRC Consulting – Competency Service Value Overview, Next Steps and Process …

Why Your Interest? - Our Approach ...

In our search to help Governing Bodies solve their complex problems, we carefully evaluated every single Governing Body / Board / Director Performance-Competency Assessment Framework available publicly Globally.

The reality is there are:

  • Not many available and furthermore,
  • Are not what we consider as “International in Context”, nor,
  • Global Best Practice to address the concerns of working and practising Directors behind the desk.

In addition, we also found that: 

  • They were largely outdated, not kept current, and consequently,
  • Not reflective of current business practices, best practice corporate governance, or current affairs,
  • Narrowly focused, trying to emulate a standard and not the practicalities of sitting directors.

Consequently, with our focus on solving complex problems for Governing Bodies and their Executive Leadership, utilising our creative skills, methodologies and technologies, we believed we could do better for our Governing Bodies, their Directors and Executive Leadership.

Not only have we ensured that our Service is updated with current global affairs and Global Best Practices and that we continually ensure its currency, but also that it is consistent with ISO37000:2021 on Governance and other leading relevant standards.

Simple to understand, Simple to implement and Simple to use.

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Why Your Interest? - Performance is Paramount ...

We Help Governing Bodies solve their Complex Problems – Largely to improve Performance.

The overwhelming majority of Governing Bodies today are under increasing pressure. They are busy and have a full and increasing agenda. As a business imperative, they have to up their game. They have to improve Performance, do more with less, achieve greater and greater more efficiently, be more effective, reduce risk and obstacles, but above all else, improve their Performance.

Performance is paramount – and why we have geared our:

3 Triangles Core Competency Framework for Governing Bodies and their Directors” – © GRC Consulting 2021.

to focus on and improve Performance, to use the very best in Global Best Practice to achieve this.

Our advice, if you are serious about improving your position as a Director, if you are serious about improving the performance of your Governing Body, then only consider a service that is current and up to date with best practices and current affairs around the globe. Why would you use a service based on the minimum standards or, worse still, outdated standards/best practices? Why buy obsolete information or an obsolete service and waste your governing body and or director time. GRC Consulting understands this and the need for Governing Bodies and Directors to achieve the highest levels of Performance. Trust our Competency Service; it’s up to date and includes the very Best of Governing Body and Director Best Practices and Standards. Your Performance is Paramount.

Simple to understand, Simple to implement and Simple to use.

Want to work with us?

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Why Your Interest? - Service Provider Checklist ...

We Help Governing Bodies solve their Complex Problems – Largely to improve Performance.

Serious about improving your position as a Director, the performance of your Governing Body?

Looking at a similar service? Use this checklist to assess your Choice:

Service Provider Checklist Criteria


Updated regularly for the current global issues before Governing Bodies/Directors?


Considers the Global Business Environment and Markets?


Considers the organisation’s External Stakeholders?


Considers the Laws, Regs and Business Norms facing the organisation?


Considers the “Game of Business”/how to best position the organisation?


Considers best practice of “How to operate” as an organisation?


Considers the best practice of “How to behave” as an organisation?


Considers the organisation’s Internal Stakeholders?


Addresses Director Competency Profile and Fundamental Principles?


Addresses Best Practice Governing Body Agenda/how it all works?


Addresses Best Practice Governing Body Decision Making/how it is all achieved?


Simple to understand, Simple to implement and Simple to use.

Want to work with us?

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Why Your Interest - Why GRC Consulting's Service? ...

  • We are entirely agnostic to any Corporate Governance Framework. We always seek Best Practices.
  • We source the best Corporate Governance Practices Globally to achieve the best Performance.
  • We update annually – what is the point of buying outdated advice? We don’t provide this.
  • We source and update annually the current global issues facing governing bodies and directors.
  • We focus on improving Performance, not tick marking you to a country governance standard.
  • We focus on what best practice directors should understand to do their jobs effectively.
  • We focus on best practice governing body processes that directors should understand to operate.

To perform, you and or the Governing Body have to be Competent.

We want you to achieve the highest levels of understanding of Director/Governing Body Competence.

We want you and your Governing Boy to have the highest possible Performance!

Don’t You?

Simple to understand, Simple to implement and Simple to use.

Want to work with us?

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Competence - What are we talking about here? ...

Competence. (the ability to)

A director’s ability (power, skill, means and or opportunity) to do something successfully and or efficiently.

Competency. (the skill needed)

A director’s capability (ability, aptitude or fitness) to apply and or use a set of related Values, Knowledge, Skills, and or Experience (Competency Profile).

Competency Profile.

A director’s Competency Profile (Values, Knowledge, Skills and Experience), particularly their Values, is the foundation of their “Ethics”. They guide the personal view of “good/bad” or “desirable/undesirable”, creating the basis for personal judgements, their personal “moral compass”, and actions.

A director’s Values drive what is individually essential and may be so ingrained as to be second nature to the director, without any conscious consideration.

Directors need to understand their Values, the impact and of their independence and self-positioning to correctly balance individual self-interest and therefore act in the organisation’s best interests.

A director’s Competency Profile impacts directly any Fundamental Principles, Core and or Functional Competencies and is essential to understanding this in doing Competency Assessments.

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Competence - Further than talking - All Performance ...

Simply, if we increase the director’s competence:

A director’s ability to do something successfully and or efficiently = We improve Performance.

Collectively, if we improve the Competence of the Governing Body = We improve Performance.

So far, not a single mention of Corporate Governance, Why?

As stressed, we are not here to “tick mark” you on a corporate governance framework.

However, it is crucial to understand the linkage.

To keep it simple, the Cadbury Committee in 1992 defined Corporate Governance as “the system by which organisations are directed and controlled” – ( … by the Governing Body/Directors).

King IV, 2016, defined Corporate Governance as “the exercise of ethical and effective leadership by the governing body towards achieving the following governance outcomes: Ethical culture; Good performance; Effective control; and Legitimacy“.

ISO37000:2021, defines the Governance of Organisations as a “human-based system by which an organisation is directed, overseen and held accountable for achieving its defined organisational purpose“.

Simply put, improving Competence in ethical and effective leadership through directing, managing and controlling, across the spectrum of what best practice directors and governing bodies have to do in practice/”sitting behind the desk”, Will lead to Best Practice Performance.

This GRC Consulting Service focuses on Director/Governing Body Competency Assessments to do this.

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"3 Triangles Core Competency Framework for Governing Bodies and their Directors"

Introduction - GRC Consulting Competency Framework ...

3 Triangles

Core Competency Framework for

Governing Bodies and their Directors“.

© GRC Consulting 2021. GRC Consulting and its “3 Triangles Core Competency Framework for Governing Bodies and their Directors, words, diagrams and associated logos are Trademarks. All rights are reserved to GRC Consulting. No reproduction, modification, or use in any form may be undertaken without the written permission of GRC Consulting.

We have Challenged the Status Quo and Achieved Simplicity to directly benefit you.

We have thought differently, to solve one of the challenges facing Directors and Governing Bodies and their efficient and effective functioning for long term benefit.

We are providing a Unique Tailor-made Solution that delivers a Governing Body and Directors Competency Assessment Service in beautiful simplicity.

Simple to understand, Simple to implement and Simple to use.

We are Boardroom Leadership Governance, Risk and Compliance Experts.

Want to work with us?

Are you concerned? Do not know where to start to establish your Benchmark or Future Development? Want to improve your Performance?

Please don’t wait until it is too late or expensive, or you have lost a Governing Body seat.

Act now and click on the website link to receive the GRC Consulting

Director and Governing Body Competency Assessment Service.

This service provides an approach to addressing your Director and Governing Body Competency, which is appropriately structured through a repeatable process. Importantly, you end up with an Internationally grounded and Globally accepted Competency Assessment that is current and International Best Practice.

Sleep more peacefully and without concern as to your future because you took

the right action at the right time when no one was looking!!!

As Corporate Governance Experts, we provide a directly relevant service offering that delivers a tailor-made, actionable Competency Service for your Directors and Governing Body.

Simple to understand, Simple to implement and Simple to use.

Want to work with us?

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GRC Consulting Competency Framework - Overview ...

The following Section covers the GRC Consulting Competency Framework Overview, which is in a high-level summary format.

Please click on each of the “Toggle Indicators” or Overview Headings to display or close the relevant Sub-Sections:

Overview of the Framework’s 3 Triangles and their 9 Side Interfaces …

GRC Consulting firmly believes, that to be of true value to Governing Bodies and Directors, the Competency Framework must be as practical and oriented to working life as is possible.

It must take the perspective of the director sitting behind the desk, facing real life, having to consider and do the things that governing bodies and their directors have to do, that they have to deal with:

The external business environment to the organisation, and actively consider: the business Environment (E); the Markets (M); from international, regional, country and local perspectives; and External Stakeholders (ES).

Deciding “how best to play the game of business” for the organisation, and actively consider: Laws & Regulations (LR); the Business Norms (BN) of what is expected without laws and rules; and the best Organisational Positioning (OP).

Having decided on the best Organisational Positioning (OP), to then actively consider, implement, manage and control to achieve the best performance: How We Operate (HWO); How We Behave (HWB); and Internal Stakeholders (IS).

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Competency Profile & its Impact on the Competency Focus …

A director’s Competency Profile impacts directly any Fundamental Principles, Core Competencies, and or Functional Competencies and important to understand this in doing Competency Assessments.

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Explaining the 4 Elements of the Competency Profile …

Values: A director’s Values, are the foundation of the director’s “Ethics”. They guide their personal view of “good/bad” or “desirable/undesirable”, creating the basis for personal judgements, their personal “moral compass”, and actions. A director’s Values drive what is individually essential, and maybe so ingrained, as to be second nature to the director, without any conscious consideration. Directors need to understand their Values, the impact and of their independence and self-positioning to correctly balance individual self-interest and therefore act in the organisation’s total best interests.

Knowledge: A director’s Knowledge, is the director’s familiarity, awareness, or understanding of facts, information, descriptions, or skills acquired through their theoretical or practical understanding, experience or education by perceiving, discovering, or learning from which the director is usefully able to bring to bear in the organisation’s total best interests.

Experience: A director’s Experience, is their knowledge and practical wisdom gained by having observed, encountered, met with, felt and or undergone real-life occurrences from which the director is usefully able to bring to bear in the organisation’s total best interests.

Skills: A director’s Skills, is their ability to use their honed expertise, talents, knowledge and experience, effectively and readily in the execution and performance of their mandate in the organisation’s total best interests.

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Explaining the 3 Elements of the Competency Focus …

Fundamental Principles (F.P.):

A director’s foundational and internal theory, law and or rules, guiding their behaviour, perspectives and actions in what is right and wrong.

Core Competencies (C.C.):

A director’s Core Competencies are the scope of those individual critical competencies providing the foundational framework of a Director’s behaviours required by the director’s occupational roles and requirements. These are the set of honed expertise bought to the table by the director.

Functional Competencies (F.C.):

A director’s Functional Competencies are the scope of those competencies defined by the duties, requirements and responsibilities (“functions”) to execute the organisation’s mandate. These are the organisation’s general functional driven requirements.

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GRC Consulting Competency Framework - Section Detail ...

The following Section covers the GRC Consulting Competency Framework, which is in a Sectional Detail format.

Please click on each of the “Toggle Indicators” or Overview Headings to display or close the relevant Sub-Sections:

External Business Environment and External Stakeholders …

We constantly monitor and record the most important matters being considered, debated and reported on globally, such as from Davos, World Risk Institutes, Global Governance, Director Forums, Thinktanks, Leading Consultancies, News and others, tabulating the Top Issues facing Governing Bodies and their Directors.

We update our Methodology to reflect these as the top key global matters that, as Governing Bodies and Directors, we expect you to be conversant with and ensure an appropriate Spread across a PESTLE Framework and Markets.

External Stakeholders (ES):

We consider the current Best Practice Governance approach, processes and Public Reporting requirements addressing External Stakeholders.

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“How Best to Play the Game of Business” …

The scope of Laws and Regulations (LR) is addressed across an understanding covering:

Business Norms (BN) – what is expected without Rules & Regs, is addressed covering:

Licence to Operate Rules – or Descriptive Rules in the organisation’s chosen area. How these provide or can be utilised to operate to the best advantage, together with the longer-term forces governing their future.

Universal Understandings Rules – or Normative Rules in the organisation’s chosen area, such as ethics, corporate governance, the environment, health, safety and social investment amount others, and how these provide or can be utilised to operate to the best advantage, together with the longer-term forces governing their future operation.

Aspirational Leadership Rules – those few simple truths that are crucial to providing a winning business edge and sustainability and how these provide or can be utilised to operate to the best advantage, together with the longer-term forces governing their future operation.

We cover Market Leadership through Customer Value Focus and Organisational Positioning (OP):

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“How We Operate” …

How We Operate (HWO):

We cover Best Practice expectations of Governing Bodies and Directors on:

How We Operate (HWO):

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“How We Behave” and Internal Stakeholders …

How We Behave (HWB):

We cover Best Practice expectations of Governing Bodies and Directors on:

Internal Stakeholders (IS):

We consider the current Best Practice Governance approach, processes and Public Reporting requirements addressing Internal Stakeholders.

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Competency Profile Approach …

Our approach to assessing a director’s Competency Profile (Values, Knowledge, Skills and Experience) together with Fundamental Principles, Core and Functional Competencies is founded on the premise that:

A director’s Competency Profile impacts directly any Fundamental Principles, Core Competencies, and or Functional Competencies, and why the model opposite shows the Competency Profile components “circled” around the latter.

Further, with respect to the Competency Profile element of “Skills”, which we designate as “ability to use their honed expertise” / the set of honed expertise bought to the table by the director and Core Competencies, it is not practical, given that each director/business/industry/etc. may drive specialisation, to take a direct approach to “Skills” assessment, for these obvious reasons and implications to an efficient assessment. GRC Consulting focuses on “Performance” and, therefore, the consequent “director’s actions” aspect of the impact of this honed expertise. We utilise a Best Practice “Decision Framework” that governing bodies and directors may follow in conducting the governing body’s “business around the table” and taking action on requirements before the governing body to adopt a “Practical and Performance-Oriented” professional approach to these two areas.

For Functional Competency assessment, we utilise a “Best Practice Governing Body Agenda Framework”, which includes the Best Practice Elements of: what High Performing Boards execute on; and what Best Practice Corporate Governance requires; in conducting governing body business and through these “functional” elements of what agenda business is undertaken to base the assessment.

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Competency Profile – Values and Experience …

Values: A director’s Values are the foundation of the director’s “Ethics”. They guide their personal view of “good/bad” or “desirable/undesirable”, creating the basis for personal judgements, their personal “moral compass”, and actions. A director’s Values drive what is individually essential, and maybe so ingrained, as to be second nature to the director, without any conscious consideration. Directors need to understand their Values, the impact and of their independence and self-positioning to correctly balance individual self-interest and therefore act in the organisation’s total best interests.

Experience: A director’s Experience is the knowledge and practical wisdom gained by having observed, encountered, met with, felt and or undergone real-life occurrences from which the director is usefully able to bring to bear in the organisation’s total best interests.

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Competency Profile – Knowledge …

Knowledge: A director’s Knowledge is the director’s familiarity, awareness, or understanding of facts, information, descriptions, or skills acquired through their theoretical or practical understanding, experience or education by perceiving, discovering, or learning from which the director is usefully able to bring to bear in the organisation’s total best interests.

We focus on performance. We view the greatest benefit to the governing body and directors, where through this service, we leverage competencies and enhance collective capabilities through knowledge. We have collated Best Practices from Governing Body Dynamics, Corporate Governance, High Performing Governing Body and Director Practices that focus on the Governing Body in action, as follows:

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Competency Profile – Skills and Core Competency …

Skills: A director’s Skills is their ability to use their honed expertise, talents, knowledge and experience, effectively and readily in the execution and performance of their mandate in the organisation’s total best interests. We utilise a Best Practice “Governing Body Decision Framework”:

“Decision Framework”

Skills and

Core Competencies:

We utilise a Best Practice “Decision Framework”:

1. Frame it – Define and understand the matter to be decided upon with the end objective in mind. We translate the practical issue or problem into an answerable question.

2. Shape it – Develop the options/solutions to the matter that may result in a successful objective outcome. We systematically search for and retrieve the required/associated evidence.

3. Evaluate it – Apply values, knowledge, skill and experience to evaluate the matter and its options/solutions. We critically judge the trustworthiness and relevance of the evidence.

4. Refine it – Identify and eliminate the weaknesses in the proposed options/solutions. We weigh and pull the evidence together.

5. Conclude and Decide on it – Summarise and conclude upon the best option/solution and finalise the decision. We consolidate and apply the proven evidence, assess the outcome and conclude.

6. Act on it – We approve the guidelines and implementation to give effect to the decision. We take action.

7. Monitor it – Ensure ongoing report back and oversight to its logical conclusion. We maintain oversight and feedback.

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Competency Focus – Fundamental Principles …

Fundamental Principles (F.P.): A director’s foundational and internal theory, law and or rules, guiding their behaviour, perspectives and actions in what is right and wrong.

We focus on performance.

We have used advanced searches on leading Governing Bodies, Directors, Corporate Governance, Past reported Governance Failures, Leading Director bodies, Thinktank Reports and similar, to extract the listing of a Director’s Fundamental Principles.

From this research, we have distilled the prioritised Listing of Fundamental Principles that Leading Practicing Directors should be consistent with, in their fiduciary and governing body duties and incorporated them into our Competency Assessment.

Fundamental Principles:

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Competency Focus – Functional Competency …

Functional Competencies (F.C.): A director’s Functional Competencies are the scope of those competencies defined by the duties, requirements and responsibilities (“functions”) to execute the organisation’s mandate. These are the organisation’s general functional driven requirements.

We utilise a Best Practice “Governing Body Agenda Framework”:

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GRC Consulting - Competency Assessment Service ...

The following Section covers the GRC Consulting Competency Assessment Service.

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Competency Assessment Service – Basis of Assessment …

We base the Competency Assessment on the criteria that you can base your Performance and follow up Development Plan actions on:

1. Evident:

The degree to which your Contributions are plain, obvious, clearly seen, tangible, “in support of”.

This is reflective of “work ethic/evidence“.

2. Effective:

The degree to which your Contributions are successful in producing the desired results.

This is reflective of “Performance”.

If you were in front of an Authority, being questioned, the focus of interest may be on:

What Evidence – is there to corroborate your position? – “work ethic/evidence”.

Focusing on Performance to become a “High Performing Governing Body/Director”, the focus will be:

How Effective – were you, such that your claim/position is substantiated? – “Performance”.

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Competency Assessment Service – Our Service Offerings …

We offer this International Service, applicable to all global governing bodies and directors to:

  1. Directors, as individuals –> Director Service (“Director Reports Provided”).
  2. Governing Bodies, as a team of directors –> Governing Body Service (Reports – Please refer below).

Governing Bodies (GB’s) are distinct from individual directors, for the reasons noted below that drive and caters for additional Service Offering Levels and “Governing Body Reports Provided”, as follows:

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Competency Service - Director Level Reporting ...

The following Section covers the GRC Consulting Competency Service – Director Level Reporting.

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Director Reports Provided …

We provide 3 levels of Reports for the Director Service Offering (“Director Reports Provided”):

1. Category Reports:

The Category Reports take to account all Competency Items within a specific Category, which we reflect within a Competency Results Table, that includes individual Competency Assessment reporting item metrics and the Category’s total metrics.

Additionally, we reflect an associated Heat Map Graphic of all Competency Items within the Category.

2. Section Reports:

The Section Reports take to account all Competency Items within a Category’s Sub-section, which we reflect within a Competency Results Table, that includes that Sub-section’s individual Competency Assessment reporting item metrics and the  Category’s Sub-section total metrics.

Additionally, we reflect an associated Heat Map Graphic of all Competency Items within the Category Sub-section.

3. Special Reports:

Special Reports reflect specific areas of focus, whether combining across Category/Sub-sections, to highlight business aspects, governing body, corporate governance, standards, management or other aspects of importance.

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Director Reports Provided – Category Reports Illustration …

  1. Category Reports:

The Category Reports take to account all Competency Items within a specific Category, which we reflect within a Competency Results Table, that includes individual Competency Assessment reporting item metrics and the Category’s total metrics.

Additionally, we reflect an associated Heat Map Graphic of all Competency Items within the Category, based upon Item “Total Score”.

The illustration, for an individual director, reflects separately the specific Category, which Category Report is produced across all Categories.

The Table below reflects the Heading of the specific Category in question, within a Header and Footer, in between which would be listed all of the respective Competency Category Items, by “Ref #”.

In addition, the Table reflects the Basis of Voting results, by way of:

  • Evident
    • Evident Score
    • Evident Standard Deviation
  • Effective
    • Effective Score
    • Effective Standard Deviation
  • Total Score
    • Being the cumulative value of Evident and Effective scoring

The Footer reflects column-wise results and statistics/calculations, covering:

  • Total Score
  • Overall Average
  • Lowest Score
  • Highest Score

The Category Report illustration below, in which only a portion is reflected, is a single high-level page summary report that reflects the 6 GRC Consulting classification format of the Corporate Governance Framework Categories and respective Sub-Section total results, with accompanying Heat Map Graphs for each Category.

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Director Reports Provided – Section Reports Illustration …

  1. Section Reports:

The Section Reports take to account all Competency Items within a Category’s Sub-section, which we reflect within a Competency Results Table, that includes that Sub-section’s individual Competency Assessment reporting item metrics and the  Category’s Sub-section total metrics.

Additionally, we reflect an associated Heat Map Graphic of all Competency Items within the Category Sub-section, based upon Item “Total Score”.

The illustration, for an individual director, reflects separately the specific Category and Sub-Section, which Section Report is produced across all Categories for all Sub-Sections.

The Table below reflects the Heading of the specific Category and its respective Sub-Section in question, within a Header and Footer, in between which would be listed all of the respective Competency Category Items, by “Ref #”.

In addition, the Table reflects the Basis of Voting results, by way of:

  • Evident
    • Evident Score
    • Evident Standard Deviation
  • Effective
    • Effective Score
    • Effective Standard Deviation
  • Total Score
    • Being the cumulative value of Evident and Effective scoring

The Footer reflects column-wise results and statistics/calculations, covering:

  • Total Score
  • Overall Average
  • Lowest Score
  • Highest Score

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Director Reports Provided – Special Reports Illustration – Top 10 …

  1. Special Reports:

Special Reports reflect specific areas of focus, whether combining across Category/Sub-Sections, to highlight business aspects, governing body, corporate governance, standards, management or other aspects of importance.

The illustration, for an individual director, reflects separately the Special Report Topic, laid out in a similar fashion.

The Table below reflects the Heading of the Special Report in question, within a Header and Footer, in between which would be listed all of the respective Competency Category Items, by “Ref #”.

In addition, the Table reflects the Basis of Voting results, by way of:

  • Evident
    • Evident Score
    • Evident Standard Deviation
  • Effective
    • Effective Score
    • Effective Standard Deviation
  • Total Score
    • Being the cumulative value of Evident and Effective scoring

The Footer reflects column-wise results and statistics/calculations, covering:

  • Total Score
  • Overall Average
  • Lowest Score
  • Highest Score

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Competency Service - Governing Body Level Reporting ...

The following Section covers the GRC Consulting Competency Service – Governing Body Level Reporting.

Please click on each of the “Toggle Indicators” or Overview Headings to display or close the relevant Sub-Sections:

Governing Body Reports Across 3 Service Levels …

Section 1: Governing Body

For the Governing Body Service Offering, given that we now have a Team of Directors, we provide:

  1. The Same “Director Reports Provided” as the “Director Service Offering” – (1.B.) refer below.
  2. Governing Body Reports Provided” are the cumulative average addition of all individual director results above, therefore reflecting the Governing Body as a collective “Team” – (1.A.) refer below.
  3. As previously highlighted, a Governing Body also drives the following highlighted in Bold Blue:

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Governing Body Reporting – Understanding the Differences …

Governing Body Reporting differs from that of individual Directors, driven by the following Key factors:

Section and Factor

Driver Implication for Reporting

  1. Governing Body of Directors

= Multiple Directors

Note: 1.C. and 1.D. are reflected in the “Detailed Analysis Report”, together with other detailed Competency Item information, which is only possible at a Governing Body level. Please refer to the Section “Governing Body Reports Provided” for a summary description.

1.A. Governing Body Summaries – “Governing Body Reports Provided“.

1.B. Individual Director Summaries. Section – “Director Reports Provided

1.C. Record of Voting Spreads by Director on each Competency.

1.D. Standard Deviation of Director Voting on each Competency.

2. Future Strategy Orientation

= Mapping to your Future Strategy presents a future-oriented Priority and the GB’s needs going forward.

2.A. Alignment and Prioritisation of Competencies to the Future Strategy.

2.B. High Priority Report.

2.C. Medium Priority Report.

2.D. Low Priority Report.

3. Competency Hurdle Rate

= Establishes a GB Hurdle Rate and basis to identify the GB’s Competency “Gaps” or “Under-Skilled areas.

3.A. Establishes the Hurdle Mark for GB and Director Competencies.

3.B. Provides views of Competencies above and below the GB Hurdle.

3.C. Identifies Urgent Top Level GB Competencies for Improvement.

3.D. Drives a focus of GB Action Planning for Urgent Top-Level Items.

4. Action Plans

= Develops GB Action Plans for the Top Segment of High Priority Report Actions.

4.A. Develops Governing Body Action Plans for the High Priority Report Action Items or other Action Items requested, working in conjunction with the Governing Body.

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Governing Body Reports Provided …

We provide 7 levels of Reports for the Board Service Offering (“Governing Body Reports Provided”):

  1. Category Reports:

The Category Reports take to account all Competency Items within a specific Category, which we reflect within a Competency Results Table, that includes individual Competency Assessment reporting item metrics and the Category’s total metrics.

Additionally, we reflect an associated Heat Map Graphic of all Competency Items within the Category.

  1. Section Reports:

The Section Reports take to account all Competency Items within a Category’s Sub-section, which we reflect within a Competency Results Table, that includes that Sub-section’s individual Competency Assessment reporting item metrics and the  Category’s Sub-section total metrics.

Additionally, we reflect an associated Heat Map Graphic of all Competency Items within the Category Sub-section.

  1. Special Reports:

Special Reports reflect specific areas of focus, whether combining across Category/Sub-sections, to highlight business aspects, governing body, corporate governance, standards, management or other aspects of importance.

4. Detailed Analysis Reports:

These reports summarise at an individual Competency Item level, all details pertaining to that item, including separate Evident and Effective Voting Spreads and Standard Deviations, together with a summary comparison analysis of the rating of the individual Competency Item, relative to the Average Category Statistics, the Competency Item narrative and individual Heat Map Graph.

5. Future Strategy Orientation Reports:

These reports summarise the Governing Body’s mapping, by order of Priority of the Competency Items, to the Governing Body’s understanding of the organisation’s Future Strategy requirements. For ease and simplicity, these are categorised into High Priority, Medium Priority and Low Priority for reporting.

6. Competency Hurdle Rate Reports:

These reports summarise the respective Governing Body Competency Item assessed Hurdle Rate metric for “Effective” or “Performance” element of the Competency Items, that the Governing Body deems appropriate. This Assessed Hurdle Rate is then utilised to determine respective positioning relative to the earlier submitted Competency Item metric and report accordingly on the positioning.

7. Action Plan Reports:

These reports summarise, for selected and agreed upon Competency Items, their summary headline metrics, together with the Action Plans Components developed to address each item, including assessment of: Item Options or Steps for Remediation; Improvement Cost Estimate; Improvement Effectiveness; Improvement Benefit Analysis; Responsibility for Implementation; Timetable for Implementation; Responsible for Monitoring; Control Priority; as a basis for taking appropriate action.

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Governing Body Reports Provided – Tabular Analysis by Service …

“Governing Body” refers to aggregated and averaged information across all Governing Body Directors.

“Director” refers to individual response information from an individual Director and reported as such.

The “Green Circled Tick” is indicative of the Report being provided on a primary basis under the respective headings. The “Green Circled + Sign” is indicative of an “additive” Report under the respective headings, having already been a primary inclusion in a lower-level Service Offering.

Report Description

Governing Body


1. Category Reports.

2. Section Reports.

3. Special Reports.

4. Detailed Analysis Reports.

5. Future Strategy Orientation Reports.

6. Competency Hurdle Rate Reports.

7. Action Plan Reports.

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Governing Body Reports Provided – Illustration – Reports 1.C. and 1.D …

Summary Detailed Analysis Reports      (Reports – 1.C. & 1.D.)

–   For each Sub-category Item.

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Silver Service – Section 2 & 3 – Future Strategy and Hurdle Rate …

Section 2 and 3: Future Strategy and Hurdle Rate

Up to this point, as explained under our Service Offerings, we reflect the “Governing Body Reports Provided“, which is the aggregated average of the respective participating directors, together with individual director reporting – “Director Reports Provided“.

Under Section 2 and 3, the Reporting includes leading the Governing Body through our Service Process, only focusing on the “Effective” or Performance” metric, to drive and result in:

  1. a re-prioritisation of the Framework Competencies as directly related to the Governing Body’s Future Strategy into High, Medium and Low Priority Items, and then subsequently, 
  2. to decide upon the respective Hurdle Rate for the Competencies under this re-prioritisation.

It is not practical to regurgitate all prior reporting provided to this point.

Consequently, we focus and additionally report only in relation to Future Strategy and Hurdle Rate. This is done for both the Governing Body and individual Directors.

This is noted on the following pages with illustrative representations of the related Reports.

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Governing Body Reports Provided – Priority & Hurdle Rate …

Governing Body Priority Summary

–   The Governing Body Priority across the Competencies, as organised into the Priority Categories of High, Medium and Low, is reflected with respective Priority Graph.

This Section combines the previous Governing Body Aggregated Average Competency information and includes the Priority Rating against respective Competencies, together with the associated Hurdle Rate, as illustrated below:

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Governing Body Reports Provided – Priority Summary Reporting …

Governing Body Priority Summary

-The Governing Body Priority across the Competencies, as organised into the Priority Categories of High, Medium and Low, is reflected with respective Priority Graphs and Table format reports:


-High Priority Group

-Medium Priority Group

-Low Priority Group

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Governing Body Reports Provided – Hurdle Rate Reporting …

Section 2 and 3: Future Strategy and Hurdle Rate

Governing Body Rate Hurdle Reporting

Graphical Analysis

-Illustrative Summary Graph of 3 Categories.

Under Section 3, the Reporting includes leading the Governing Body through our Service Process, only focusing on the “Effective” or “Performance” metric, to drive and result in compiling a governing body average “Hurdle Rate” for each assessed Competency.

We Report consistently, by 1. Category and by 2. Sub-section.

As is evident from the graphic opposite, we can then assess the Governing Body’s Average Competency Assessment Score, compared to the above determined “Hurdle Rate”.

We are then able to illustrate, either:

1.“Gaps”/Under Skilled areas of Competency.

2.“Surplus/Over Skilled areas of Competency.

We then focus on the Gaps to take action.

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Competency Hurdle Rate Reporting – Conceptual Explanation …

Governing Body

Top Hurdle Improvements Reporting

– The Governing Body’s Priority across the Competencies, as organised into the Priority Categories of High, Medium and Low, is reflected by illustrative Priority Summary Graphs.

The Governing Body’s Top Hurdle Improvements, are now easily identifiable from the Graphical Analysis incorporating the Hurdle Rate. Conceptually, we are after the material improvement gaps. This “approach” is reflected by those Competencies in the table with “Red Arrows” below:

A Governing Body’s Hurdle Improvement is where:

=> Governing Body Aggregated Average falls below the determined Hurdle Rate.

Also => Competency Gap/Under-skilled.

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Gold Service – Section 4 – Governing Body Action Plans …

Section 4: Governing Body Action Plans

Governing Body Action Plans

We will provide or agree with you a Template Format to gather Competency Action Planning data for the Top High Priority Competency Improvement Items and or recommend from our Reporting, or agree with you, which Competency Improvement Items you wish to Action Plan, for electronic delivery to individual, specified or identified groups of Directors as appropriate. All Directors will have significant latitude to be responsible and provide input and view fellow Directors Plans, etc., before this step’s completion. It, therefore, is a  Collaborative Team Effort.

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GRC Consulting - Competency Service Value Overview, Next Steps and Process ...

The following Section covers the GRC Consulting – Competency Service Value Overview, Next Steps and Process.

Please click on each of the “Toggle Indicators” or Overview Headings to display or close the relevant Sub-Sections:

Your Benefits …

Simple to understand, Simple to implement and Simple to use.

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Our Expertise …

GRC Consulting understands your concern and, importantly, your Competency position.

We are Boardroom Leadership Corporate Governance experts.

We have a perfect, tailored-made digital solution to assist you.

Delivered electronically, no fuss, no pain, maximum gain.

Delivered in beautiful simplicity.

Simple to understand. Simple to Implement. Simple to use.

Itemised Reporting tailored to you individually / the governing body.

Graphical analysis and “heat maps” of your assessment results, identifying your priority action items.

A defensible document to help you plan, act and improve your performance.

Provides you with a rated assessment of your Competency on an Internationally grounded and globally accepted Best Practice Competency Platform for communication that is internationally compatible.

An excellent road map for you to incorporate into your Director Performance and Development Plan.

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Our Solution …

We are providing a Unique Tailor-made Solution that delivers a

Director and Governing Body Competency Assessment

For all international Directors and Governing Bodies.

  • Challenged the Status Quo.
  • Achieves Simplicity. Based on the Current Updated Best Practice.
  • Provides a Director Competency Exposure Action Plan.
  • Provides Competency Transparency.
  • Simple to understand.
  • Simple to implement.
  • Simple to use.

Provides everything you need to Know to Plan

your Director Development and Performance Improvement.

Provided by Boardroom Leadership Governance, Risk and Compliance Experts.

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Your Next Steps …

We are providing a Unique Tailor-made Solution that delivers a

Director and Governing Body Competency Assessment for all International Governing Bodies and Directors

in beautiful simplicity.

Simple to understand, Simple to implement and Simple to use.

We are Boardroom Leadership Governance, Risk and Compliance Experts.

Want to work with us?

Click on the website Link to have this service

or contact us on our contact points on the last page.

Talk soon.

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The Process – Director Competency Assessment …

As Corporate Governance Experts servicing global markets, we know of no other directly relevant service offering that delivers direct, one to one, actionable Competency intelligence for Directors on a Best Practice continually updated Competency Framework enabling your action.

Want to work with us?

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The Process – Governing Body Competency Assessment …

As Corporate Governance Experts servicing global markets, we know of no other directly relevant service offering that delivers direct, one to one, actionable Competency intelligence for Directors on a Best Practice continually updated Competency Framework enabling your action.

Want to work with us?

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Competency Service – Process after Click and Purchased …

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Service Brochure ...

For your full understanding of our Governing Body and Director Competency Assessment Service Offerings, please access the following Service Brochure download.

Please click the “Service Brochure” button opposite, for the electronic download on this Service Offering.

On-Page Menu Linking ...

For your convenience, we have structured the Competency Assessment Service information on this page into the following major sections.

The headings are followed by an “On-Page Link” Button which when clicked, will navigate you directly to the selected section.

Why Your Interest? – As a Director or Governing Body …

Why Your Interest? – Our Approach …

Why Your Interest? – Performance is Paramount …

Why Your Interest? – Service Provider Checklist …

Why Your Interest – Why GRC Consulting’s Service? …

Competence – What are we talking about here? …

Competence – Further than talking – All Performance …

Introduction – GRC Consulting Competency Framework …

GRC Consulting Competency Framework – Overview …

GRC Consulting Competency Framework – Section Detail …

GRC Consulting – Competency Assessment Service …

Competency Service – Director Level Reporting …

Competency Service – Governing Body Level Reporting …

GRC Consulting – Competency Service Value Overview, Next Steps and Process …

Main Menu Navigation ...

For your convenience, we have structured a replica of the main “Top of Page Menu” for ease of navigation, excluding a link to the Main GRC Consulting page.

Please click on any of the Menu items below, or alternatively, use the “grey box” bottom righthand corner of your screen, with the double “^” up arrows to navigate directly to the Top of the Page.