The Statement …
Traditional Meetings can be very unproductive.
How do we best go from meeting to solution that can then be efficiently and effectively actioned and or implemented?
The Challenge …
As a Service Provider to our Clients, we conduct multiple meetings with busy Board Directors and Executive Leaders.
We need to have the most productive way in which we can conduct “group” meetings that:
- maximises the time available,
- provides a process that produces excellent output,
- ensures the best level of cooperative participation from all meeting participants, and
- in a manner that develops the highest level of buy-in and support for the final outcomes.
The Solution …
GRC Consulting utilises the latest leading edge, collaborative, real-time meeting technology to anonymously facilitate its Electronic Meetings.
We deploy into two different environments:
- Closed Meetings – For example the facilitation of a Board Meeting Session within a closed and private meeting room
- Web Meetings – For example the facilitation of a meeting across a region for a group meeting of subsidiary executives which can include Voice and Video across the screen.
We call this approach “Talking with your Fingers and Listening with your Eyes“.
Both technologies are highly secure, with resting and on the move encryption and related technologies to satisfy the most security conscious environments and customer requirements.
We bring and deploy all of the meeting room equipment.
We use iPad Pro’s that provides a comfortable, convenient and familiar user environment and user experience.
We opt for “Anonymous Participant” meetings which we find generates the best quality input from participants without “fear or favour” and is entirely unattributable as to its creator, whilst being immediately visible to all meeting participants, that of itself generates valuable content, consensus and support.
In a structured process, that can also be as free flowing as required, we get to the heart of the issue, quickly, efficiently, seen by all, participated by all and in its final form, supported by the majority.

As a flexible process, we can, as an example, structure the process as follows:
- Position – outline and position the Topic / Challenge / Objective that requires the focus of the meeting.
- Brainstorm – contribution of points and perspectives from meeting participants.
- These are visible by all participants in real-time and anonymously – this generally triggers additional thinking and value added contributions.
- Categorise – generally as a pre-planned consideration, participants allocate the input to the most likely categories (Buckets) which we can add to on the fly.
- Discussion – Each Bucket of Points is reviewed. Overlaps, repeats and other tidy-up is performed. All points are deliberated through our Facilitation.
- This is an important part of the power of the process, which brings out the participation and considerations by meeting participants, that results in a final re-wording, where required, and importantly, comprehension through the participatory process as to the formulation of the final result.
- Prioritisation – We provide a Ranking Methodology, through which meeting participants anonymously vote on the finalised points, therefore providing focus as to the key issues
- Solution – We provide a second structured process, which can be either provided and or tailored to our clients own solution methodology to formulate a Solution Blue Print.
- Each issue would be structured as to for example:
- Mandate
- Key Objective
- Priorities
- Oversight
- Ownership
- Responsibilities
- Action Plan
- Resourcing Plan
- Financial Plan
- Deliverables
- Key Performance Metrics
- Timetable
- Each issue would be structured as to for example:
The Benefits …
- Prevents the occurrence of dominant or senior people dominating and prejudicing contributions to the meeting.
- Through anonymity, enhances participant honest input and contribution, resulting in improved outcomes.
- Everyone gets the same “talk and listen time” which occurs in real-time.
- Obtains improved levels of contribution from all meeting participants, not just from the more vocal or more senior.
- Reduces the amount of participant meeting time.
- Follows a proven well structured process, whilst allowing flexibility, that ensure quality output.
- Reduces the number of and time to reach meeting consensus on issues.
- Provides and structured prioritisation methodology and process to ensure that the meeting drives key value and focus on the most important issues.
- Encourages active participation, colleague learning, commitment and ownership of the final outcomes.
- Highly efficient, cost effective, objective focused and reaches effective, well structured and fully participative outcomes.
Why we do what we do …
Everything we do at GRC Consulting, we believe in Challenging the Status Quo and Achieving Simplicity to directly benefit you.
We believe in thinking differently and working with you in Partnership to solve your greatest challenges for long term benefit.
The way we challenge the status quo is by making Tailor-made Solutions meet your Specific Requirements, and
delivering our Solutions to you in beautiful simplicity.
Simple to understand, Simple to implement and Simple to use.
We are Boardroom Leadership Governance, Risk and Compliance Experts.
Want to work with us?