Director and Board Liability Assessment
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
for SAMA and CMA Regulated Boards
Why Your Interest? - As a Director or Board ...

If you are a Director of an entity under SAMA / CMA, this may affect you directly and personally.
Please ensure that you are adequately protected and, if appropriate, seek professional advice.
We assist you directly with this service in assessing your personal liability exposure position relative to the SAMA/CMA Director requirements that you are mandated to comply with.
Are you serving on a KSA Board, a Director of an entity regulated under SAMA/CMA, the Company Secretary or the Chief Executive Officer or equivalent of your organisation? Perhaps an aspiring “new Director” seeking a Board seat?
Then this GRC Consulting Service is of interest to you personally and will benefit your Board.
We assist you directly with this Service in assessing:
Individual Directors – your liabilities,
The Board – those of your fellow directors,
thereby enabling, for the Board, the establishment of the Board’s:
- collective current liabilities position,
- establishing the priority areas of strategic importance to the Board that require attention,
- an action plan to address shortfalls/make material improvements, and
- with the outcome of improving the Board’s capabilities and performance.
All founded on the approx. 75 Director requirements under SAMA / CMA regulations that you are mandated to comply with
and provide a tailored Personal Plan to then take Action – to reduce your EXPOSURE / LIABILITY.
Simple to understand, Simple to implement and Simple to use.
Want to work with us?
Please click the “Purchase Now” button opposite to Purchase this Service Offering.
On-Page Menu Linking ...
For your convenience, we have structured the Directors Liability Assessment Service information on this page into the following major sections.
The headings are followed by an “On-Page Link” Button which when clicked, will navigate you directly to the selected section.
Why Your Interest? – As a Director or Governing Body …
Why Your Interest? – Driving Market Forces …
Why Your Interest? – Our Solution to Solving the Problem …
Why Your Interest? – Why it Matters & Why it can be Costly …
Your Liability – How You can begin to Reduce Liability …
Director and Board Liability Assessment – The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia …
GRC Consulting – Director and Board Liability Assessment Service …
Liability Assessment Service – Director Level Reporting …
Liability Assessment Service – Board Level Reporting …
GRC Consulting – Liability Assessment Service – Value Overview, Next Steps and Process …
Why Your Interest? - Driving Market Forces ...
With the Saudi National Transformation 2020 and Vision 2030, there are understandably significant changes taking place both across the Kingdom and, importantly, legislatively, through the issue of news laws and regulations, such as the recent Professional Companies Law, and others surely to follow.
In seeking to attract Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and new sophisticated new investors, stimulate local business and update and enhance the fabric of the Kingdom, the demands for enhanced oversight, internationally accepted norms, stricter and improved definitions, ethical and effective governance, and other drivers are contributing to increased pressures, one of which we are focusing upon here, namely increasing Director exposure and liability, which is not expected to reduce, but to continue to increase over time.
It is therefore critical for Directors to:
- re-evaluate your potential exposures,
- ascertain your potential positions, and
- actively plan and take the necessary action,
- to be prudent, limit exposure and potential liability, and
- stay out of harm’s way.
This dedicated section aims to expand the Summary of our Services Section, to assist you, the SAMA / CMA Director make the right and sensible choice.
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Why Your Interest? - Our Solution to Solving the Problem ...
Our Director and Board Liability Assessment for the SAMA / CMA Regulated Market places has been
specifically designed to help you ascertain your compliance and reduce your Risk Exposure with SAMA/CMA requirements whilst focusing on improving performance,
- is directly and specifically tied to the SAMA / CMA Regulatory requirements (mandated compliance).
- can be provided as a single program to achieve time efficiencies or as a modular program, phased over time, to fit your Boards’ Agenda.
- generates directly aligned corporate governance-specific actionable items to take specific and direct action on what matters and not waste effort.
- provides individual Director and Board regulatory compliance statements for signature/lodgment as organisational records.
- provides real value for money and savings, with a multi-tiered service option to meet your Board’s agenda over the year.
- helps improve corporate governance whilst reducing Risk Liability Exposure and, in so doing, helps improve performance.
As Corporate Governance Experts within the region, we know of no other directly relevant service offering that delivers direct, one to one, actionable Corporate Governance intelligence for Directors and the Board and its compliance with its mandatory KSA SAMA / CMA regulatory requirements.
Simple to understand, Simple to implement and Simple to use.
Want to work with us?
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Your Liability - Why it Matters & Why it can be Costly ...
To highlight: as a Director or as a Board, you have 2 main Fiduciary Duties, that arise because of your privileged position within the organisation:
- Duty of Loyalty, and
- The duty of loyalty is a responsibility to act in the best interests of the organisation, even when that action may conflict with a personal interest.
2. Duty of Care.
- The duty of care requires directors and officers to act with the care of an ordinarily prudent person in like circumstances.
The above is simplistic, and you may be exposed to a range of liabilities from many sources.
Therein lies the problem!!!
Our Service is designed to highlight the Regulated Corporate Governance Requirements that you as a Director and or Board, under SAMA/CMA are mandated to comply with.
We look at Evidence and Effectiveness, and in doing so, provide you with a Plan to then take Action.
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Your Liability - How You can begin to Reduce Liability ...
As a very brief summary:
- We Distill the approx. 75 Directors Liability Mandatory SAMA/CMA Corporate Governance Requirements.
2. We organise these approx. 75 criteria under 3 areas of Director Liability Exposure.

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Director and Board Liability Assessment
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
We have Challenged the Status Quo and Achieved Simplicity to directly benefit you.
We have thought differently, to solve one of the challenges facing KSA SAMA / CMA regulated Directors for long term benefit.
We are providing a Unique Tailor-made Solution that delivers a Director Liability Assessment DIRECTLY aligned to SAMA / CMA Regulations in beautiful simplicity.
Simple to understand, Simple to implement and Simple to use.
We are Boardroom Leadership Governance, Risk and Compliance Experts.
Want to work with us?

Are you Concerned? Exposed? Do not know where to start to reduce your exposure and liability?
Please don’t wait until it is too late and too expensive.
Act now and click on the link to receive the GRC Consulting
Director Liability Assessment Service
Reduce your Risk and Liability Exposure now.
Sleep more peacefully, and without liability, because you took
the right action at the right time when no one was looking!!!
Click the link and let GRC Consulting help you reduce your exposure and liability.
Our Director Liability Assessment is designed to highlight the Regulated Corporate Governance Requirements
that you, as a Director, under SAMA/CMA, are mandated to comply with.
Key incentives and benefits are:
- Directly and specifically tied to the SAMA / CMA Regulatory requirements (mandated compliance).
- Quick digital delivery, saving time, money, effort and reducing your liability with a Plan to Act.
- Generates directly aligned Corporate Governance specific actionable items to reduce your exposure.
- Tailored to you as an individual Director, letting you plan, take action and sleep at night.
- Provides individual Director Corporate Governance regulatory compliance positioning.
- Provides focused points and a documented guide for your actions.
- Provides a road map for you to action your Liability Exposure Reduction Plan.
- Provides real value for money.
- A Service to Reduce your exposure to meet your Liability Needs.
As Corporate Governance Experts within the region, we know of no other directly relevant service offering that delivers direct, one to one, actionable Corporate Governance intelligence for Directors and your personal compliance with the mandatory KSA SAMA / CMA regulatory requirements.
Simple to understand, Simple to implement and Simple to use.
Want to work with us?
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GRC Consulting - Director and Board Liability Assessment Service ...
The following Section covers the GRC Consulting Director and Board Liability Assessment Service.
Please click on each of the “Toggle Indicators” or Overview Headings to display or close the relevant Sub-Sections:
Liability Assessment Service – Basis of Assessment …
We base the Liability Assessment on the criteria that you can base your Performance and follow up Development Plan actions on:
1. Evident:
The degree to which your Contributions are plain, obvious, clearly seen, tangible, “in support of”.
This is reflective of “work ethic/evidence“.

2. Effective:
The degree to which your Contributions are successful in producing the desired results.
This is reflective of “Performance”.
If you were in front of an Authority, being questioned, the focus of interest may be on:
What Evidence – is there to corroborate your position? – “work ethic/evidence”.
Focusing on Performance to become a “High Performing Board/Director”, the focus will be:
How Effective – were you, such that your claim/position is substantiated? – “Performance”.
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Liability Assessment Service – Our Service Offerings …
We offer this Service as follows:
1. To individual Directors as a single-tier service:
This is a standalone service to the individual Director and focuses through the assessment on providing help and guidance to the individual Director on:
- The assessment results relative to SAMA/CMA Corporate Governance requirements.
- Thereby highlighting areas of strength and those for improvement.
- Provides a summary of positioning against the personal Director liability requirements mandated by the Regulator.
- Provides the scope for a personal development plan of action to improve performance, skills, knowledge and therefore, competence.
2. To the Board, as a multi-tiered service to provide the Board with multiple options, collectively, with Individual Director Reporting as noted above:
As a collective group of Directors, the Board Service enables us to provide board-level and individual-level reporting. Additionally, we can track the Board’s consensus of positioning by monitoring where individuals scored in driving a “Board Average” and the standard deviation of these responses within the submissions.
The specific reporting in summary by Category and within a category, together with detailed individual item reporting, SAMA/CMA Corporate Governance Framework reporting is covered in the following sections.
As Corporate Governance Experts within the region, we know of no other directly relevant service offering that delivers direct, one to one, actionable Corporate Governance intelligence for Directors and the Board and its compliance with its mandatory KSA SAMA / CMA regulatory requirements.
Simple to understand, Simple to implement and Simple to use.
Want to work with us?
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How it Works – Tailoring the Governance Frameworks …

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Liability Assessment Service - Director Level Reporting ...
The following Section covers the GRC Consulting Director Liability Assessment Service – Director Reports Provided.
Please click on each of the “Toggle Indicators” or Overview Headings to display or close the relevant Sub-Sections:
Assessment Service – Director Reports Provided …
We provide 5 levels of Reports for the Director Service Offering (“Director Reports Provided”):
- Category Reports:
The Category Reports take to account all Liability Items within a specific Category, which we reflect within a Liability Results Table, that includes individual Liability Assessment reporting item metrics and the Category’s total metrics.
Additionally, we reflect an associated Heat Map Graphic of all Liability Items within the Category.
- Section Reports:
The Section Reports take to account all Liability Items within a Category’s Sub-section, which we reflect within a Liability Results Table, that includes that Sub-section’s individual CLiability Assessment reporting item metrics and the Category’s Sub-section total metrics.
Additionally, we reflect an associated Heat Map Graphic of all Liability Items within the Category Sub-section.
- Special Reports:
Special Reports reflect specific areas of focus, whether combining across Category/Sub-sections, to highlight business aspects, governing body, corporate governance, standards, management or other aspects of importance.
- SAMA/CMA Reports:
These reports summarise at a line summary level the results in direct relation to their originating and respective SAMA/CMA Corporate Governance Framework reference, to enable correct identification of both the Liability item and its SAMA/CMA regulatory reference, and therefore results positioning and downstream work by SAMA/CMA regulatory reference.
5. Compliance Statement Reports:
These reports summarise those identified SAMA/CMA Personal Director Liability requirements mandated within the respective Corporate Governance Frameworks from each Regulator, for the Director’s signature, reflecting respective Director scorings.
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Director Reports Provided – Category Reports Illustration …
Category Reports and Category Results Graph Illustration.
The Category Reports take to account all Liability Items within a specific Category, which we reflect within a Liability Results Table, that includes individual Liability Assessment reporting item metrics and the Category’s total metrics.
Additionally, we reflect an associated Heat Map Graphic of all Liability Items within the Category, based upon Item “Total Score”.
The illustration, for an individual director, reflects separately the specific Category, which Category Report is produced across all Categories.
The Table below reflects the Heading of the specific Category in question, within a Header and Footer, in between which would be listed all of the respective Liability Category Items, by “Ref #”. In addition, the Table reflects the Basis of Voting results, by way of:
- Evident
- Evident Score
- Evident Standard Deviation
- Effective
- Effective Score
- Effective Standard Deviation
- Total Score – Being the cumulative value of Evident and Effective scoring
The Footer reflects column-wise results and statistics/calculations, covering:
- Total Score
- Overall Average
- Lowest Score
- Highest Score

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Director Reports Provided – Section Reports Illustration …
Section Reports:
The Section Reports take to account all Liability Items within a Category’s Sub-section, which we reflect within a Liability Results Table, that includes that Sub-section’s individual Liability Assessment reporting item metrics and the Category’s Sub-section total metrics.
Additionally, we reflect an associated Heat Map Graphic of all Liability Items within the Category Sub-section, based upon Item “Total Score”.
The illustration, for an individual director, reflects separately the specific Category and Sub-Section, which Section Report is produced across all Categories for all Sub-Sections.
The Table below reflects the Heading of the specific Category and its respective Sub-Section in question, within a Header and Footer, in between which would be listed all of the respective Liability Category Items, by “Ref #”.
In addition, the Table reflects the Basis of Voting results, by way of:
- Evident
- Evident Score
- Evident Standard Deviation
- Effective
- Effective Score
- Effective Standard Deviation
- Total Score
- Being the cumulative value of Evident and Effective scoring
The Footer reflects column-wise results and statistics/calculations, covering:
- Total Score
- Overall Average
- Lowest Score
- Highest Score

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Director Reports Provided – Special Reports Illustration – Top 10 …
Special Reports Illustration – Top 10 Improvements
Special Reports reflect specific areas of focus, whether combining across Category/Sub-Sections, to highlight business aspects, governing body, corporate governance, standards, management or other aspects of importance.
The illustration, for an individual director, reflects separately the Special Report Topic, laid out in a similar fashion.
The Table below reflects the Heading of the Special Report in question, within a Header and Footer, in between which would be listed all of the respective Liability Category Items, by “Ref #”.
In addition, the Table reflects the Basis of Voting results, by way of:
- Evident
- Evident Score
- Evident Standard Deviation
- Effective
- Effective Score
- Effective Standard Deviation
- Total Score – Being the cumulative value of Evident and Effective scoring

The Footer reflects column-wise results and statistics/calculations, covering:
- Total Score
- Overall Average
- Lowest Score
- Highest Score

As Corporate Governance Experts within the region, we know of no other directly relevant service offering that delivers direct, one to one, actionable Corporate Governance intelligence for Directors and your compliance with the mandatory KSA SAMA / CMA regulatory requirements.
Simple to understand, Simple to implement and Simple to use.
Want to work with us?
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Director Reports Provided – SAMA/CMA Reports Illustration …
SAMA/CMA Reports Illustration:
These reports summarise at a line summary level the results in direct relation to their originating and respective SAMA/CMA Corporate Governance Framework references, to enable correct identification of the Corporate Governance item by its SAMA/CMA regulatory reference, and therefore results positioning and downstream work by SAMA/CMA regulatory reference.
In these high-level “single Traffic-Light System” line reports, we illustrate under the respective column “Assessment Scorings”, the:
- Para No’s – Corresponding to respective SAMA/CMA Corporate Governance Frameworks
- Evident
- Evident Score
- Evident Standard Deviation
- Effective
- Effective Score
- Effective Standard Deviation
- Total Score – Being the cumulative value of Evident and Effective scoring
SAMA Governance Framework Assessment Compliance Map.

CMA Governance Framework Assessment Compliance Map.

The “Traffic-Light System” is colour-coded to show the respective basis of voting scoring and its related colour on the Heat Map Graphs for purposes of consistency and to aid visual evaluation of scoring results and outcomes, by SAMA/CMA regulatory reference.
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Director Reports Provided – Compliance Statement Report Illustration …
5. Compliance Statement Reports Illustration:
The Individual Director Liability Compliance Report, comprising:
- The Section Pages
- The Section Graphs
Compliance Statement Signature Section for the Individual Director.

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Liability Assessment Service - Board Level Reporting ...
The following Section covers the GRC Consulting Board Liability Assessment Service – Board Reports Provided.
Please click on each of the “Toggle Indicators” or Overview Headings to display or close the relevant Sub-Sections:
Liability Assessment Service – Board Level Service Offerings …
The following graphic overview illustrates the 2 Service Levels offered by GRC Consulting through the Liability Assessment Service, addressing the SAMA/CMA regulated financial market within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia:
Silver Service
- Online board assessment.
- Category Reports – Summary and by Category Graphs. Plus Category Detailed Summary + Graphs.
- Section Reports – Section Detailed Summary + Graph by Sub-category.
- Special Reports – Top 10 – Evident and Effective Liability Assessment items for Improvement.
- SAMA + CMA Reports – Governance Framework Liability Assessment Compliance Map.
- Detailed Analysis Reports – for each Liability Item by Sub-category Section.
- Board and Director Governance Compliance Statements for Chairman and individual Director Signature / Records.
Gold Service
- Silver Service +
- Action Plan Reports.
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Board Reporting – Understanding the Differences …
Board Reporting differs from that of individual Directors, driven by the following Key factors:
Section and Factor
Driver Implication for Reporting
- Board of Directors
= Multiple Directors
1.C. and 1.D. are reflected in the “Detailed Analysis Report”, together with other detailed Liability Item information, which is only possible at a Board level. Please refer to the Section “Board Reports Provided” for a summary description.
1.A. Scope Summaries. “Board Reports Provided“
1.B. Individual Director Summaries. Section – “Director Reports Provided”
1.C. Record of Voting Spreads by Director on each Competency.
1.D. Standard Deviation of Director Voting on each Competency.
1.E. Board Compliance Sign-off by the Chairman of the Board.
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Assessment Service – Board Reports Provided …
We provide 7 levels of Reports for the Board Service Offering (“Board Reports Provided”):
- Category Reports:
The Category Reports take to account all Liability Items within a specific Category, which we reflect within a Liability Results Table, that includes individual Liability Assessment reporting item metrics and the Category’s total metrics.
Additionally, we reflect an associated Heat Map Graphic of all Liability Items within the Category.
- Section Reports:
The Section Reports take to account all Liability Items within a Category’s Sub-section, which we reflect within a Liability Results Table, that includes that Sub-section’s individual Liability Assessment reporting item metrics and the Category’s Sub-section total metrics.
Additionally, we reflect an associated Heat Map Graphic of all Liability Items within the Category Sub-section.
- Special Reports:
Special Reports reflect specific areas of focus, whether combining across Category/Sub-sections, to highlight business aspects, governing body, corporate governance, standards, management or other aspects of importance.
- SAMA/CMA Reports:
These reports summarise at a line summary level the results in direct relation to their originating and respective SAMA/CMA Corporate Governance Framework reference, to enable correct identification of both the Liability item and its SAMA/CMA regulatory reference, and therefore results positioning and downstream work by SAMA/CMA regulatory reference.
5. Detailed Analysis Reports:
These reports summarise at an individual Liability Item level, all details pertaining to that item, including separate Evident and Effective Voting Spreads and Standard Deviations, together with a summary comparison analysis of the rating of the individual Liability Item, relative to the Average Category Statistics, the Liability Item narrative and individual Heat Map Graph.
6. Compliance Statement Reports:
These reports summarise those identified SAMA/CMA Personal Director Liability requirements mandated within the respective Corporate Governance Frameworks from each Regulator, averaged across all Directors for the Board and Chairman’s signature, with the equivalent Directors Compliance Statement reflecting respective Director scorings for their individual signatures.
Note: The 1. Category; 2. Section; 3. Special; and 4. SAMA/CMA; Reports for the Board reflect: A. The Board’s name; B. The average scoring submissions of all participating Directors. Report illustrations are not replicated here but may be viewed under the “Directors Reports Provided” Section, with these differences in mind.
7. Action Plan Reports:
These reports summarise, for selected and agreed upon Liability Items, their summary headline metrics, together with the Action Plans Components developed to address each item, including assessment of: Item Options or Steps for Remediation; Improvement Cost Estimate; Improvement Effectiveness; Improvement Benefit Analysis; Responsibility for Implementation; Timetable for Implementation; Responsible for Monitoring; Control Priority; as a basis for taking appropriate action.
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Board Reports Provided – A Tabular Analysis Across Service Levels …
“Board” refers to aggregated and averaged information across all Board Directors.
“Director” refers to individual response information from an individual Director and reported as such.
The “Green Circled Tick” is indicative of the Report being provided on a primary basis under the respective headings. The “Green Circled + Sign” is indicative of an “additive” Report under the respective headings, having already been a primary inclusion in a lower-level Service Offering.
Report Description …

1. Category Reports.

2. Section Reports.

3. Special Reports.

4. SAMA/CMA Reports.

5. Detailed Analysis Reports.

6. Compliance Statement Reports.

7. Action Plan Reports.

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Board Reports Provided – Detailed Analysis Reports Illustration …
Detailed Analysis Reports
Detailed Analysis Report for each Sub-category/Liability Statement. Due to the volume of detail, only selected detail shown in the graphic opposite
The Graphic below reflects the Sectional Descriptions / Components

As Corporate Governance Experts within the region, we know of no other directly relevant service offering that delivers direct, one to one, actionable Corporate Governance intelligence for the Board and its Directors and your compliance with the mandatory KSA SAMA / CMA regulatory requirements.
Simple to understand, Simple to implement and Simple to use.
Want to work with us?
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Board Reports Provided – Compliance Statement Reports Illustration …
In addition to the Board Illustration Reports below, each individual Director is also provided with their Compliance Statement Report for respective signature.
Compliance Statement Reports.
The Board Governance Assessment Report, comprising:
- The Section Pages
- The Section combined Graph
Compliance Statement Signature Section for the Chairman of the Board.

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Board Reports Provided – Action Plan Reports Illustration …
Action Plan Reports
We will provide or agree with you a Template Format to gather Liability Action Planning data for the Top High Priority Liability Improvement Items and or recommend from our prior Reporting, or agree with you, which Liability Improvement Items you wish to Action Plan, for electronic delivery to individual, specified or identified groups of Directors as appropriate. All Directors will have significant latitude to be responsible but also to view fellow Directors Plans etc prior to this step’s completion. The illustration opposite is simply to demonstrate the likely fields and sections for data gathering through our electronic process.

As Corporate Governance Experts within the region, we know of no other directly relevant service offering that delivers direct, one to one, actionable Corporate Governance intelligence for the Board and its Directors and your compliance with the mandatory KSA SAMA / CMA regulatory requirements.
Simple to understand, Simple to implement and Simple to use.
Want to work with us?
Please click the “Purchase Now” button opposite to Purchase this Service Offering.
GRC Consulting - Liability Assessment Service
Value Overview, Next Steps and Process ...
The following Section covers the GRC Consulting – Liability Assessment Service Value Overview, Next Steps and Process.
Please click on each of the “Toggle Indicators” or Overview Headings to display or close the relevant Sub-Sections:
Your Benefits …

Simple to understand, Simple to implement and Simple to use.
Want to work with us?
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Our Expertise …
GRC Consulting understands your concern and importantly, your liability exposure.
We are Boardroom Leadership Corporate Governance experts.
We have a perfect, tailor-made digital solution to assist you.
Delivered electronically, no fuss, no pain, maximum gain.
Delivered in beautiful simplicity.
Simple to understand, Simple to Implement, and Simple to use.
Itemised Reporting tailored to you individually.
Graphical analysis and “heat maps” of your assessment results, identifying your priority action items.
A defensible document to help you plan, act and stay out of liability to exposure.
Provides you with a rated assessment of your exposure to the approx. 75 identified personal Director Liability requirements
under the Corporate Governance Regulated frameworks of SAMA and CMA.
An excellent road map for you to incorporate into your Director Liability Reduction Plan.
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Our Solution …
We are providing a Unique Tailor-made Solution that delivers a
Directors and Board Liability Assessment
DIRECTLY aligned to SAMA / CMA Corporate Governance Regulations.

Provides everything you need to show the Regulator
on your Director Corporate Governance Compliance.
Provided by Boardroom Leadership Governance, Risk and Compliance Experts.
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Your Next Steps …

We are providing a Unique Tailor-made Solution that delivers a
Director Liability Assessment
DIRECTLY aligned to SAMA / CMA Regulations
in beautiful simplicity.
Simple to understand, Simple to implement, and Simple to use.
We are Boardroom Leadership Governance, Risk and Compliance Experts.
Want to work with us?
Click on the website Link to have this service
or contact us on our contact points on the last page.
Talk soon.
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The Process – Director Liability Assessment Service …

As Corporate Governance Experts within the region, we know of no other directly relevant service offering that delivers direct, one to one, actionable Corporate Governance intelligence for Directors and your compliance with the mandatory KSA SAMA / CMA regulatory requirements.
Simple to understand, Simple to implement and Simple to use.
Want to work with us?
Please click the “Purchase Now” button opposite to Purchase this Service Offering.
The Process – Board Liability Assessment Service …

As Corporate Governance Experts within the region, we know of no other directly relevant service offering that delivers direct, one to one, actionable Corporate Governance intelligence for the Board and its Directors and your compliance with the mandatory KSA SAMA / CMA regulatory requirements.
Simple to understand, Simple to implement and Simple to use.
Want to work with us?
Please click the “Purchase Now” button opposite to Purchase this Service Offering.
Liability Assessment Service – Process after Click and Purchased …
In more detail, for your comfort, the process map below outlines the overview step-by-step sequence of events,
from the time you have clicked on the link to purchase this service offering,
through to you receiving the Final Reports that provide you,
with your tailored and personal Plan to then take action.

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Please click the “Purchase Now” button opposite to Purchase this Service Offering.
Service Brochure ...
For your full understanding of our KSA Director Liability Assessment Service Offerings, please access the following Service Brochure download.
Please click the “Service Brochure” button opposite, for the electronic download on this Service Offering.
On-Page Menu Linking ...
For your convenience, we have structured the Directors Liability Assessment Service information on this page into the following major sections.
The headings are followed by an “On-Page Link” Button which when clicked, will navigate you directly to the selected section.
Why Your Interest? – As a Director or Governing Body …
Why Your Interest? – Driving Market Forces …
Why Your Interest? – Our Solution to Solving the Problem …
Why Your Interest? – Why it Matters & Why it can be Costly …
Your Liability – How You can begin to Reduce Liability …
Director and Board Liability Assessment – The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia …
GRC Consulting – Director and Board Liability Assessment Service …
Liability Assessment Service – Director Level Reporting …
Liability Assessment Service – Board Level Reporting …
GRC Consulting – Liability Assessment Service – Value Overview, Next Steps and Process …
Main Menu Navigation ...
For your convenience, we have structured a replica of the main “Top of Page Menu” for ease of navigation, excluding a link to the Main GRC Consulting page.
Please click on any of the Menu items below, or alternatively, use the “grey box” bottom righthand corner of your screen, with the double “^” up arrows to navigate directly to the Top of the Page.