The Statement …
“How do we get business people to effectively and efficiently produce the key risks facing the organisation to allow it to manage these, to meet its strategic objectives?”
GRC Consulting believes that Risk Management is something that all business people should be practising every day at all levels across the organisation in managing the business and its activities.
The Challenge …
“To provide a simple process to collaboratively engage and have business people contribute, define, prioritise and action plan key business risks that require appropriate management so that the organisation may achieve its strategic objectives, effectively and efficiently.”
As a Service Provider to our Clients, we provide focused Risk Management Workshops for Executive Management to facilitate the production of the organisation’s key risks..
We provide our Clients with the most productive way in which they can generate quality, actionable prioritised risks for executive management and their Board that:
- maximises the time available,
- provides a process that produces excellent output,
- ensures the best level of cooperative participation from all meeting participants, and
- in a manner that develops the highest level of buy-in and support for the final outcomes.
The Solution …
GRC Consulting utilises the latest leading-edge, electronic collaborative, real-time meeting technology to facilitate its Risk Management Workshops with anonymous participation and contribution.
In preference, based on our decades of experience, we deploy these workshops within a “Closed Meeting” environment.
We call this approach “Talking with your Fingers and Listening with your Eyes“.
The technology is highly secure, deploying resting and on the move encryption and related technologies to satisfy the most security-conscious environments and customer requirements.

We bring and deploy all of the meeting room equipment.
We use iPad Pro’s that provides a comfortable, convenient and familiar user environment and user experience.
We opt for “Anonymous Participant” meetings which we find generates the best quality input from participants without “fear or favour” and is entirely unattributable as to its creator, whilst being immediately visible, real-time, to all meeting participants, that of itself generates valuable content, consensus and support.
In a structured process that can also be tailored as free-flowing as required, we get to the heart of the issue quickly, efficiently, seen by all, participated by all and in its final form, supported by the majority.
In overview, for our Risk Management Workshops, we utilise the following process:

We also utilise the following Voting Methodology as a basis of prioritising the identified risks within the Risk Management Workshop:

The Benefits …
We have 3 decades of experience utilising these technologies and conducting these Risk Management Workshops.
Based on this cumulative experience, we are convinced that this approach is the most efficient and cost-effective.
We have extremely satisfied customers, that importantly have been collaboratively trained, learned within and participated in a well-structured and defined process, benefited from their colleague’s view-points, listed, heard, debated, contributed and participated in the formulation of key critical issues facing the organisation.
As a direct consequence, they are supportive, knowledgeable proponents capable of assisting the organisation in the downstream achievement of its strategic objectives.
We know of no other systems uniquely positioned to achieve the same success levels for you and why we use them.
Why we do what we do …
Everything we do at GRC Consulting, we believe in Challenging the Status Quo and Achieving Simplicity to directly benefit you.
We believe in thinking differently and working with you in Partnership to solve your greatest challenges for long term benefit.
The way we challenge the status quo is by making Tailor-made Solutions meet your Specific Requirements, and
delivering our Solutions to you in beautiful simplicity.
Simple to understand, Simple to implement and Simple to use.
We are Boardroom Leadership Governance, Risk and Compliance Experts.
Want to work with us?