Singapore – Monetary Authority of Singapore
Singapore – Monetary Authority of Singapore – Code of Corporate Governance – Practice Guidance – 6 August 2018. Covering:
Practice Guidance 1: Board Roles and Director Duties
Board’s Role
Scope of Director Duties
Executive Directors
Non-Executive Directors
Independent Directors
Conflicts of Interest
Director Competencies
Board Organisation and Support
Practice Guidance 2: Board Composition and Guidance
Director Independence
Proportion of Non-Executive Directors
Role of the Lead Independent Director
Board Diversity Policy
Practice Guidance 3: Chairman and CEO
Practice Guidance 4: Board Membership
Selection, Appointment and Re-Appointment Process
Appointment of Alternate Directors
Multiple Directorships
Practice Guidance 5: Board Performance
Practice Guidance 6: Procedures for Developing Remuneration Policies
Practice Guidance 7: Level and Mix of Remuneration
Practice Guidance 8: Disclosure on Remuneration
Disclosure of Relationships between Remuneration, Performance and Value Creation
Practice Guidance 9: Risk Management and Internal Controls
Practice Guidance 10: Audit Committees
Practice Guidance 11: Shareholder Rights and Engagement
Practice Guidance 12: Engagement with Shareholders
Practice Guidance 13: Managing Stakeholder Relationships
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